
Red bumps appear out of nowhere and go away within a few hours, What could they be?

by  |  earlier

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I'm am a 23 year old male and at any time, i haven't been able to trace a connection red bumps will appear on my sides, hips and butt area, and within an hour or two will be mostly gone. They are normally there but not as many and not as visible as when it decides to flare up, and scratching spreads it but it does not spread to other people or out of the area i described. And this has been going on for a while now i would say at least a year or so that i can remember. And i also have similar bumps under my arms (tricep area) that do not get irritated or itchy. Any Ideas? Thanx




  1. go to your doctor I am sure he/she can prescribe a cream for this

  2. Sounds like a heat rash... I would go to the pharmacist and ask them what they would recommend over the counter...  

  3. The bumps that itch and come and go are probably hives.  I used to get them.  They are from something you're allergic to.  It could be anything; like something you ate, something you've brushed up against, etc.  Usually Benadryl or an over the counter anti-itch cream will help.  It's not usually necessary to go to the doctor unless they are extremely bad.  You could get allergy tested though, that way you could figure out what it is that's causing it.

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