
Red bumps on both arms for years???

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i have a LOT of very, very small red bumps on both of my upper arms, the outer part of my arms. i have had these bumps for at least 4 years, i dont remember how long exactly, maybe even 7 years.

im 18 if that makes a difference.

((i know i should just go to see a doctor, but i dont have insurance (thats what im goin 2 college 4) so i dont go to the doctor unless im very sick.))

but it does not hurt, it simply looks ugly & i want 2 get rid of it so i will feel more confident.

i have lots & lots of freckles on my arms (mainly my lower arms, but also my upper arms), so i wonder if it has anything 2 do with sun exposure???

i also have hair on my arms if that makes any difference, but im doubt it does. i do not shave my arms so its not irritation bumps from a razor or something.

i do have acne on my face & back, but im pretty sure its not acne on my arms because it never hurts (like my facial & back acne do sometimes) & it is not nearly the same size or complexion of pimples or zits. the bumps on my arms are just small red bumps that go from about 1/2 way down from my shoulder, all the way down to about one inch above my elbow.

& as i said, it is only on the outward part of my upper arms.

in the past 4 years (or longer) it has NEVER cleared up or gone away, it has always been there.

i have never tried acne soap or any product on my arms except for mild body soap, sun block, & lotion (usually bath & body works or victoria secret or store bought sensitive skin vaseline type of lotion).

any advice, experience, & help is appreciated :)




  1. I actually have the same problem. I read an article about 1 year ago it said to use a loofa when you shower along with hypo-allergenic soap. since then it has really calmed down. The bumps are still there but are very faint.

  2. Hey, I Have the EXCACT thing you have, except I don't have acne on my face.

    Its sooo anoying because I always get self concious and wear long sleeve shirts, but sometimes and I mean SOMETIMES I'm brave and I wear short sleeves. But yeah it sucks because I have a whole bunch of acne on my back.. or whatever you call it there and I can't wear like stuff that shows that either :/

    I'm pretty sure I have keratosis pilaris... red bunps.. some of my hairs grow from it, and it looks like a whole bunch of gross bumps. EWWW!!! i hate this.. I've had this like since I was I don't remember.. 8? that's like along time.. but what I do sometimes is like use neutrageana (sp??) body wash (the orange one) and it SMOOTHS it ALITTLE..

    Other then that.. ): I'm trying to find a hope too. Thanx for posting this question up so I can peep at ur answers lol.

  3. This is a common condition called keratosis pilaris. It can be hereditary, but isn't always. The bumps are just clogged pores that skin grows over top of. My son has them on his upper arms and sometimes his cheeks. The website I found said to use lotion with alphahydroxy and that seems to be working for my son. I bought him a lotion called AmLactin at Rite Aid. If I can find the site I'll post it. They do have special kits to treat it but they were pretty expensive. Hope this helps.

  4. try cetephyl soap. expholiate. try treating it as acne. i get small patches of little red bumps on my upper arms and shoulders, i rub alcohol on them, and in about 3 days they clear up.

    and the next time you do go to the doc, dont forget to ask about them...he can only charge you for on visit! haha

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