
Red deisel for my boat ?

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Hi Boatie Folks,

I know that I have already asked this question, and received fine answers, but filling up the boat yesterday with the lower taxed stuff the thought re-occured

Now what is going on with this fuel taxation business ?

It seems to me to be a bit of a farce when it comes to boats.

OK, there is a recent clamp-down on folks using much lower taxed fuel in road vehicles, which is fair play to an extent.

But, and a big but, is that it is legally OK for "Off road vehicles"

Why, other than petty increased treasury income, should this apply to my narrowboat, then ? (It doesn.t in my case, as I have a supplier of "agricultural" fuel)

Have you noticed that farmers and boatyard owners/operators all drive deisel road vehicles.

Strange, that !

It has forced the supply of red deisel into a nudge and a wink black market

So sorry Mr Treasurer, as I for one, and I hope many others will avoid this sneaky taxation

Any thoughts ?





  1. you can use recycled chip oil but who is to say that it was used in the first place lol

    check your fuel pump can handle it before use usually info on line to help.

    the gov now says you can use it legally

  2. I drove my van for a year on cherry!

    The van cost £650

    I saved that in the first 3 months on red!

    Most construction site diesel bowsers are like filling stations on a Friday afternoon!

    Good luck to anyone who gets away with it!

  3. now that the uk customs boys have got time on there hands from not catching the ciggy smugglers. thanks to the smoke free and ryan airs hand luggage policy they are cracking on the next easy target, farmer, fisher folk, and irish accents

    the government hates thieves, because it cant handle the competition

  4. Red diesel was allowed on all boats by the government after the Dunkirk landings as a reward for the flotilla of small boats that crossed the Channel to rescue our lads.

    Since the EU got wind of it they have tried to get the perk reversed.

  5. I gather this is one of those forced on us by the EU. Our government fought against it (they say) with no success, but as a concession there is now a grace period in force for the phasing out of red diesel in the UK. It will be legally usable in leisure craft until 01/11/08.

    I understand that the latest idea is that red diesel will then continue to be available, thus obviating the need for us to change our tanks and systems, but at a higher duty rate. Presumably that'll be enforced at the supply end.  

    Quite how they intend to differentiate between red diesel for boat use and red diesel for off-road use I don't know. Perhaps we'll all have to carry receipts proving we paid duty . . .  Whatever happens, it's going to be interesting.

  6. What i can gather is that it is another EU directive that is insisting that the UK charge the full rate of tax on red diesel for pleasure craft.

    This is another reason why the general public want to vote on the EU to enable the electorate in the UK to make their own decisions as to who tells us what we do or don't do, but this dictatorial government and unelected Prime minister wont let us.

  7. red diesel you pay lower tax on because it is classed as agriculture fuel for farmers and the likes all boats are exempted too this is because Britain is an nautical nation as for farmers having diesel cars  they pick them because of the tax benefits it gives them

  8. you CANNOT use untaxed fuel on ANY of the roads in UK.

    even if its a farmers tractor, and its used on the road, it needs to be run on white float much better than cars, and DONT ever go on the road, like barges.narowboats, in fact i can buy RD from our canal basin... just like anyone else can... but if you get caught, its a big fine and HMCE can impound your

    and anyway, i flogged my diesel volvo and bought a toyota, and we use veggie oil... so motoring is free... and smells faintly of kebabs...

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