
Red dot under eyebrow from plucking???

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When I was plucking my eyebrows, I accidentally pinched a small piece of skin and now theres a little red dot there. How do I get rid of it? Will it ever go away???




  1. It will be a blood blister. Don't touch it if you can help it. Your body will reabsorb the blood and will heal itself.

    If you want to numb any pain - use an ice cube.

    Avoid anything that will aggravate the area - ie exfoliators, eye shadows...more plucking!!

    Good luck. I hope it gets better soon. x

  2. ice! and yes it will go away

  3. Just put some ice on it and  it will eventually go down.

  4. I get little thingsd like that all the time. Just leave it alone and forget about it. In a few days it'll go away.  

  5. Try some ice. Then, try a little antibiotic ointment.

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