
Red eared slider help!

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i need to know everything about a red eared slider and do they smell?




  1. This website has everything you need to know

  2. they pretty easy to care for,  they are mostly aquatic so have a big tank with alot of water.  but they still need some land to sun bath, and be sure to give them sun because if they do not recieve any their shells get tight on them. and it's not the turtle that smells, it's the water.  get a filter and a heater so you can make the water comfortable for the turtle. females get big and grow fast to a foot long, males grow slower and grow a little over 5 inches.  don't over feed them because they can grow too big too fast, and might become over weight. and also get a heat lamp for the basking area.  the pellet food is enough for their diet but feeder fish can provide the turtles something to chase. some turtles won't eat fish that have been there when they were young, get a baby turtle, it's illegal but it's a law that is ignroed, having a baby turtle won't eat the fish it grew up with. and you will have to change the water once a month.  the turtles may be cheap but everything else gets pretty expensive and they're intresting pets.  i have one female and one male.i made the mistake of over-feeding and they grew fast and are over weight. and also don't use gravel that is too small becasue the turtles will eat the gravel and it will cause a digestive problem might need attention of a vetenarian. i use sand now and the worst they do is dig and hide it in. some turtles enjoy their shells stroked but rarely, gewd luck and i wish your turtle good health

  3. They only smell if you don't have a big enough tank and GOOD filter!

    If you have allot of $$$$ and start out with a 60 gal plus size tank and great filtration system for Aquatic turtles I say do it!

    They are the cutest!

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding. I have two that are 36 yrs old!! Plus an 8 and 5 yr old.

    I have had them in a pond for about 6 yrs now..

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light for  8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that  they need to grow.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system!

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily.

    They need leafy greens for vitamins at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    And a big tank 55 gallons or more..

  4. No, they don't smell. You smell. They stink.

    Y!A is not the place to go to learn "everything". There are books written about the care of RESs. At the very least, get a care-sheet on line.

  5. no they dont smell there aquarium  might though.

    you should get an aquarium and put water in it and feed it turltle food from the store until it gets old enough to eat goldfish.

    you should put a big rock in there or a few like my uncle so that your turtle can come out of the water and dry off.

    my uncles trutle does that all the time.

    you also need to put a heater and a water filter in the aquarium.

    and last you should have a light above his aquarium unless its in front of a window.

    hope this helps!!
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