
Red eared slider turtle and Cumberland slider GENDER?

by Guest33953  |  earlier

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How can u tell if it is a male or female




  1. Just click on this link and scroll down to "Is my Turtle a Boy or a Girl?" While this doesn't work for some turtles, it definitely works for sliders. You will notice that it states, "This is difficult to tell is most turtles, until they are older." This is usually about three to four inches (for sliders). However, it's possible to do it with hatchlings, my friends and I compared several batches of hatchlings and learned how to do it (I'll get thumbs down for that; always do, but it's true). It's easier if you have other turtles to compare with. Anyway, my two inch male red ear has longer claws than my 4 inch female red ear.

    "Is my Turtle a Boy or a Girl?"

    Feel free to contact me and send pics.

  2. Sliders are easy, if they are old enough. In the males, the front claws are significantly longer than the rear ones, when they are mature. As a check, look at them from underneath and find the vent on the tail. With the tail held straight back, is the vent underneath the carapace (upper shell) or beyond it. If it is underneath, you have either a female or an immature male. If beyond it, you have a mature male.

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