
Red eyes for the last 3 months?

by  |  earlier

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It goes away and comes back, I have felt uneasy for the last 3 months also, but not so uneasy that I would think its anything serious, or even related to my eyes. So pretty much i wear contacts, but even when they have been out for several days, I;ll go to sleep and my eyes will be bloodshiot in the morning. Anybody know what this could be. I have been to the eye doc, he told me to use artifical tears, I did, it didnt help.

Like I said they are not always red, but it seems that whenver I sleep they end up being red when I wake up.




  1. Sounds like allergies to me.  Be sure you dust well and vacuum your mattress & the area behind & under your headboard occasionally - it could be dust mites which will cause your symptoms when you're in bed, hence the red eyes in the morning.    

  2. Drinking can cause it.  I bruised one eye a while back, and it gets red pretty easily.  I use VISINE Advanced Relied and it clears it up pretty good, takes a few minutes, tho.  I think the bruise damaged the tear duct, which keeps the eye watered.

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