
Red-green color blind?

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I am supposedly red-green color blind(i took a bunch of optical tests), but i can distinguish between all colors easily.

Please give your comments




  1. There's different types.

  2. There are varying degrees of red-green deficiency.  There are other cues that help us to determine what colors are.  For example, you've been told that an apple is red as is a stoplight.  Grass is green, etc.  It is these cues of how that shade of color looked to you that help you to extrapolate to other items of similar hue.  There may be some instances when there are no known memory cues, where you may have trouble distinguishing some shades.  Regardless, unless you plan to be on the bomb squad, there are very little limitations to having color deficiency.

  3. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have trouble. yOur brain does not know any different so it does not bother you. reasearch colorblindness and see what it is defined as and do not worry about it.

  4. ok what do you want me to say
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