
Red light and yield sign with no turn lane?

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So, all over Atlanta, and other places I've seen this, there are traffic lights and yield signs at the same intersection. If there is no dedicated turn lane and the traffic light is red, do you have to come to a complete stop when making a right turn at the light if there is a yield sign? My thought is that these yield signs seem to be placed at intersections that back-up and the yield sign allows cars to quickly turn right if it is clear without having to come to a complete stop. It is very frusterating that I can't look this up anywhere, including the driving manual for Georgia. Ridiculous huh? If you know the answer please site where you are getting this from. Thanks!!




  1. Yes you still need to make a complete stop at the red light.  If the light is green you may turn left with a yield because another lane that come toward you may have already made it through the intersection and you will yield for that reason.

  2. Yes. You MUST ALWAYS come to a complet stop at a red light.  After you stop, if you can determine that it's safe to proceed, you can make a right turn on red.

  3. Its in your drivers handbook, you must always stop at a red light and look both ways and the same is true if it is green, you should slow down and look both ways as well.

  4. yes, you have to stop and look first, unless its green, then you need to still look but not come to a complete stop unless other traffic is coming

  5. I would ignore the yield sign until you learn otherwise.

  6. Yep...Like everybody says, ya gotta come to a stop on the red before making a turn (I presume that you're talking about right turns.)...Make sure that there isn't a sign hidden somewhere on the intersection that says ya can't make a right turn...Pedestrians and cross traffic running on green always have right of way...The Yield sign just reminds those of us whose bulb isn't too bright to pay attention.

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