
Red marks left from acne long do they last??

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I have some red marks on my face where some acne scabs came long will they last?? im thinking of using maderma on them...




  1. Usually they will fade with time, often in a few months.  There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  2. they'll last awhile.  

    you can get makeup from MaryKay and if you dab that on the spot it covers them up pretty d**n good!!!

    it covers up so good that my friend uses it on her hickies. lol.  just dab a little bit in the same spot until it is blended in, don't rub because it won't cover up as good.


  3. go to a derma and ask for an acne medicine where they already mixed an anti-scar thing to get rid of scars. it's better not to buy over the counter medicine. my derma used to mix me a medicine whenever i got allergies and she can tell if it will scar, so she mixed that anti-scar thing.

  4. i do too, but when you pick at them they will scar, so im guessing forever. but currently im seeing a doctor about my face and they have given me a few things to get rid of my acne and scars,its working great.

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