
Red oscar question?

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would it be a bad idea to put a baby 2 inch tiger oscar in a 20 gallon tank with no other fish (but 1 snail)




  1. Yes. Quite a bad idea.

    Oscars are messy fish, so they require excelent filtration and lots of space. They also get about a foot long.

    And no, keeping a fish in a small tank will NOT keep it small.

    And your oscar will probably eat that snail once his mouth gets big enough. They tend to love eating anything that moves and fits in their mouths...

    I would also advise against buying a 20 gallon tank for him now and upgrading later. A lot of people seem to try this, and i've never heard of it working.

    Tanks are expensive, and the filtration, gravel, lighting, and hood make that cost even more. You'd just have to buy a whole other tank in a few months time when he gets larger. It'd be a huge waste of money.

    If a 55 gallon tank is too expensive for you, look for used tanks on craigslist or look into getting smaller oscar-like fish like some dwarf cichlids. (Try googling Kribensis or Bolivian Ram)

  2. I agree with que.  Most people get Oscars and think oh, it's ok in this tank, but don't realize the issues that go on internally.  You don't want to judge how the Oscar is to the tank and think it's ok.  Not saying you'll do this, but you'd be appalled at how many people don't realize an adult Oscar needs at least a 55 gallon tank.

    Except that you do not take into account something with having that 20 Zank.  It seems as the asker in this case would only have this 20 for now, and get the 55 later.  What happens if they just get the 55 now, and that Oscar gets sick?  You want to treat the Oscar just in the main tank only and have to restart your bio filter all over again?  There is an advantage to having more then one tank.  It would give him a decent sized hospital tank to treat sick fish with.  I don't see that as a waste.

  3. yeah, if u don't upgrade in the next 6 month's

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