
Red soil in South India is reach for what?

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Red soil in South India is reach for what?




  1. It think you mean to ask what Red Soil in South India is rich in. Red soil in South India is rich in iron. It gets red coulour because of diffusion of iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks.

  2. It is red because it is rich in iron.

  3. south has various kinds of soil red sandy soil ideal for fruits.vegetables,cashew nuts grapes,medicinal plants,as water drains  out in red sandy soil easily compared to black cotton soil,farmers need to cultivate as per local needs and max profitability

  4. Your question is vague: Rich read soil is cultivating crops,plantations, and other agricultural activities: the crops,fruit trees & etc are deponds on the place ,climate and soil condition: before doing any cultivation it is better to test the soil test with Agri cuniversity or the Agri office nearby you:

  5. RED SOILS: These soils are developed on old crystalline rocks under moderate to heavy rainfall conditions. They are deficient in phosphoric acid, organic matter and nitrogenous material. Red soils cover the eastern part of the peninsular region comprising Chhotanagpur plateau, Orissa, eastern Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, the Nilgiris and Tamil Nadu plateau. They extended northwards in the west along the Konkan coast of Maharashtra.

  6. rich in hematite but poor in nutrients.

  7. The area you asked about, the soil type(s) you are referring to are the alfisols and ultisols. Though they may look very similar at a glance, they are different in substance. Alfisols are considerably better than the acidic and nutrient deficient ultisols. Some basic information is below with additional links to other sites.

    It is important to know what your soil has and does not have so test it if you can. But all soil with few exceptions, will benefit from any additions of organic material and lime.

    Sea shells ground up or egg shells/ poultry farm products will help if lime is expensive. Any large amount of organic material is a good mulch and can be added in huge amounts on the soil surface to keep out weeds. It will add lots of good stuff as it rots.

  8. I might be wrong, but I always thought red soil meant that it was rich in iron.

  9. U mean rich

    for growing cotton and groundnut , I think

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