
Red spots on 11 month old baby?

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My son has just developed FLAT red spots on his arms, thighs, chest, stomach and underarms. I'm not sure what they are and they don't seem to be bothering him. I haven't changed anything in his normal routine, he's had no fever; he's just teething, but I've never seen a kid get spots all over his body with teething.





  1. go to the dr spots are a sign of many things  

  2. Go to the doctor just to be on the safe side. My kids are "rashy kids," meaning they break out over any number of things, mostly unknowns, but the doctor still prefers that I bring them in just to make sure.

    Your description of flat red spots all over sounds like they are having a reaction to some sort of viral infection. Both of my kids will break out in a rash like this, the spots are pretty tiny and don't itch, and while they usually don't develop other symptoms apparently the rash can be a side effect of viral infections in babies/toddlers. At least that's the response we get, a lot, from the two different pediatrician offices we've belonged to. :)

    Heat rash can also look like that and probably a ton of other reasons too. So, a doctor visit is probably a good idea, especially since this is the first time you've seen something like this on your son. You may walk away with some innocuous answer like, "probably a reaction to some viral infection," leaving you wondering why you bothered to go at all, but better safe than sorry.

  3. My son has that too.  My pediatrician said it's a form of  eczema.  

  4. Those might be developing strawberries, but those aren't harmful.  This seems to be a lot though...  Strange...


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