
Red spots on old english sheep dog ?

by Guest45443  |  earlier

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My dog , who is an old english sheep dog, has red spots on his front legs, he scratches them sometimes , could this be scabies or mange?




  1. Mange usually does leave red patches, but they are usually within an area of bald spots. It could also be flea bites. Check him over good around his neck, and haunches. I bet you will see fleas.

  2. It's to bad that they can't just "tell" us whats wrong, hu? To cover all your bases - 1st: Check to see what you are bathing him/her with - if it has Sodium Laurel Sulfate in the ingredients, it may be a skin irritation caused by chemicals. I'm not sure "why" this is even in most soaps (even human soaps/shampoos) as it says in the encyclopedia that is "causes" skin irritations!

    If you are looking for organic / homeopathic (natural) pet products go to they’re awesome!  They have an essential oil spray (in tons of scents - you pick) for deodorizing, a special “critter crazy” spray to keep fleas off with citronella and lemon grass, etc. in it - and special bar soaps for pets too. Some with oatmeal for soothing skin conditions, some with essential oils like citronella for keeping off the fleas, etc. PS - If you are looking for other “handmade” pet snacks, check out also has organic pet TREATS! YUM

  3. yes, it could be mange or flea bites, or allergies!.. that he has made worse by chewing at them, it could also be "hot spots". Are the areas moist or dry? If they are moist it may well be hot spots, put some corn starch on them to sooth the itch & help to dry should bring your dog to the vet however for a proper diagnosis, he will do skin scraping to rule out, or prove mange, that is the only way to get the right medication.

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