
Red wine: good or bad ?

by Guest34397  |  earlier

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it is widely known that a bit of red wine everyday might be/is good for the heart. but, i see the last sentence of labels on those red wine bottles saying that consumption of alcohol may cause health problem. so !? by the way, what about the sulfites in them ?




  1. There used to be a lot more sulfites in red wine than there are now.  There are only trace amounts in your average bottle of red wine, not enough to  even affect you, as far as headaches and stuff.  If you have a red wine hangover, it's the alcohol.  

    Studies are saying that one glass of red wine a day can increase your life span.  Hey, look at how many old Italians there are if you don't believe it.

  2. Everything we like comes with a health warning, as long as you enjoy anything in moderation, all's good.

  3. Everything in moderation.  Ever hear of the French Paradox?  It isn't true.  The claim is that Red Wine contains polyphenols which is a potent antioxidant which is good for the heart.  Well, just as marketing would have it...that word got out and people starting going crazy for red wine.  HOWEVER, there is NOT enough polyphenols in a BOTTLE of red wine to make any difference!  Get your polyphenols from other sources...cherries and so on.    Drink wine in moderation...2 glasses max a day.  If you do decide to drink wine always opt for dark red.  Carbernet Sauvingion, Merlot, Pinot Noir, etc.  Even though there are not a lot of polyphenols in each glass, it sure beats white wine.

  4. The color is the key. Red beets/juice or pomogrante provide the same affect without the alcohol.  

  5. Too much of a good thing is bad. I've also heard that a cup of red wine is good for you.

  6. With so much misinformation out there, with all due respect to the answerers, yahoo answers is probably not the best place to clear this up.One of the writers stated that the "French Paradox" was not true.  That's the first time I've heard or read some one blatantly discount the French Paradox.  

    So, let me toss my 2 cents into this.   French drink lots of wine, red wine in particularly.   Per capita consumption is like 60 liters a year!  French food, drenched in butter and cream as it is, is also very high in fat content.  French ought to be leading the Universe in cardiac deaths.  In actuality, its low, among the lowest.  

    This is the French Paradox.  The French Paradox in an of itself makes no claim to the benefits of drinking red wine.  The Paradox is simply empirical observation.   It has nothing to do with marketing.  Although, no doubt some wineries, and wine industry in general, did jumped on this afer the fact to push their wines, but the underlying facts of the French Paradox are true. Facts are facts.

    I am not a scientist, just your average, humble wine nerd.  But the Mayo Clinic suggests that something in red wine called resveratrol might be heart healthy.  Resveratrol is found in grape skin and in its seeds.   It "might" lower bad cholesterol and prevents blood clots.  But the jury is still out, I think.  But you really need to do your own research.  Start with the Mayo Clinic, they're pretty reliable.

    I think alcohol warnings on the wine labels are a generic requirement from the Gov.  Certainly whatever benefits there are to drinking red wine would be fast trampled over by drinking too much.  

    I enjoy my wines with dinner.  So, I almost never have more than a couple of glasses in one sitting.  At my age, I've long since given up drinking for the sake of drinking, or God forbid, to get drunk.  It might not help my heart, but it surely makes dining more pleasurable, for me.  

    Here's to your health.

  7. too much of anything is bad for you, but in moderation, no more than a glass a day for a woman, no more than two glasses for a man per day.  I think the health problems on the bottle pertain more  towards the liver and kidney damage that can result from alcoholism

  8. Sulfites are to keep the mold out.  But 8 ounces a day is good for your heart. Any more than that and it can hurt your liver.

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