
Red wine that goes with roast pork?

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I'm going to a friends for dinner tomorrow night and we're having roast pork with an apple sauce. I'm meant to be bringing the wine but am totally clueless! I have to bring a bottle of red, any ideas for some inexpensive delicious red wine that will go well with roast pork? and that i can get in victoria, australia?

Thanks for any help!!!





  1. Zinfandel and Pinot Noir would pair very nicely with pork....

  2. Typical dish. Well, hope you like my professional opinion.

    You may try a cold climate Pinot Noir like those from house of Tryrell of Australia. France Beajolais, Macon Rouge.

    But if you would like to have a best choice for accompany, the rose wine from Charles Melton of Barossa Valley will be the best !!!

    And .... forget the old rules - white with white - red with red !!!

    Believe me, i can even used a Full Pinot Noir for seared beef loin ....

    Salute !!!!

  3. Go to the local bottleo and ask for their opinion

  4. well i can name a few even though im 12 lol here we go the best probably are:::

    *Cabernet Sauvignon

    *Cabernet Franc

    * Merlot

    but if you are going to add black pepper these are better::



    thats all i could think of hope i helped you allot !!!!!!!!

  5. Throw out the old rules of white wine with white meat.  that's just a guide for those who really don't know.  I think the suggestion of Charles Melton Rose is fantastic, but there are still a lot of people who equate roses with bad, sweet wines.  

    Pork is actually very versatile when it comes to wines.  The real challenge is matching a wine with the apple sauce.  There are two elements that can play havoc with wines, sugar and acid.  You want to avoid rich, tannic wines and high alcohol wines.  Ultimately, you want a wine that has good fruit, ample acidity, and moderate alcohol.  For reds, I would suggest the following three:

    1) New Zealand Pinot Noir.  This can be a bit tricky as many see oak aging, but a young, vibrant Pinot would be excellent.

    2) Cotes Du Rhone.  The peppery quality of the Cotes Du Rhone would play very well with the other elements.  The acid is enough to resist being overwhelmed by the acid of the apples.

    3) Barbera d'Alba from Italy.  Usually vibrant and fruity, a very good complement to acidic dishes.

  6. BlackJack shiraz red wine......with roast pork its magnificent...

    will u invite me toooo..........

  7. Piont Noir because its not to heavy

  8. If you are looking for an inexpensive but nice red to go with pork, I would suggest:

    Carpineto Dogajolo or Mt. Antico. Both about $10

    Both are Italian reds.  They are lite on the palate and will compliment a pork dinner very well.

  9. If they've asked you to bring red it means they don't subscribe to the popular but cliched "red wine with red meat, white wine for white meat like pork, chicken, fish" etc. protocol.

    Bring any red wine from a well-known Aussie vineyard and it will be appreciated, I'm sure.

  10. just get a normal red wine?

  11. The old rule was White wine with white meat and red wine with red meat. However today your local bottle shop will be able to help you select a suitable wine for your meal.

  12. its not everybody that likes red wine, most ppl like white wine.

    why not go between,  get Rose  wine  it  sort of pink and taste real good, cost about $12 to $18     under $12 might not be so good   over $18 is getting to expensive

    other potion   buy the wine you like

  13. I will go for white!!!!! sorry!! but pork and apples are not going with red!!!!

  14. A light bodied Pinot Noir or Zinfandel would be great. But if it's being served with applesauce, you might want to consider a white - particularly a Riesling or Gewurtzraminer. Had a fairly sweet Riesling last week with a grilled pork loin with cabbage, onions and apples. The wine was almost sweet enough to be a dessert wine and there isn't a lot it could have gone with,  but it was amazing with this since it tasted almost like the cabbage/apple dish.

  15. white meat with white wine and for red meat  supposed to be red wine. but if you like red wine go for young red wine like  french Beaujolais. It is not very expensive though. enjoy.

  16. I would get a bottle of rose

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