
Redecorating my small box room..would like some help please :)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm decorating my room, its a box room and i would like to have 3 white walls and one focus wall..any ideas 4 the focus wall?




  1. I saw a box-bedroom transformed by having the door reversed so that it opened on to the landing, it was unbelievable.

  2. GREEN...tht would be awsome

  3. There are some gorgoues wallpapers around, lot sof floral and flock effects. Try Fads, Wilko's, most places infact. That would look fab with white. Or if you can't be bothered with a focus wall, you could add coloured accessories, maybe lilac or pale blue. I'm gonna do my spare room, pure white. Everything white!

  4. keep it bright but plain and simple. A small room does not look good with a large pattern on the wall.

  5. go wild , but if it is a small room light colours would be best! or maybe add some stencils have fun!

  6. Give it an enlarging 3-D effect with a sponge and two shades of the same colour of paint. Paint it all the lighter shade, and then apply the darker shade more heavily at the edges and lighter toward the middle. The effect will make the wall look like it bows out a bit. If you're into a "different" type of look, you can band the darker colour on the other walls & ceiling to make it look like they're framed - use painter's tape to make the edge clean and make the frame only 4-6" wide on each wall. Paint the woodwork to match the walls they're in so they blend and don't call attention away from your cool paint job. Then splash some contrasting colour in with pillow cases or shams on your bed.

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