
Rediculous all these ways to live green dont you think?

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Most far fetched answers I've ever seen. How bout starting with an electric grid that runs off wind and using electric cars? That'll avoid having to get all new appliances, the latest hybrid, turning off all the lights...etc..




  1. I think people need to start slow, don't go out & buy a new appliance when the one you have is fine.  Stop being a slave to consumerism & that would be a good start.

  2. how about making it illegal to drive or fly. everyone must ride a bike or horse.

  3. its easy to start: buy things in bulk, think of the amount of packaging, using reusable shopping bags, join a local group like freecycle instead of automatically buying more things.  change your lightbulbs. drive at 55mph (driving at 65mph and over uses at least 15% more gas), turn off lights and things you arent using.

  4. sounds cool, you should put your ideas to work.

  5. Changing where the electricity comes from would be an excellent place to start.  So would going to alternative fuel sources for cars.  Most cars can be easily converted to run on alternative fuels without having to buy a hybrid.  

    However, getting the power company to rework their plants is difficult.  Almost as difficult as getting the car manufactures to put together the car fuel conversion kits and the Fuel Companies to switch to alternative fuels.

    Until we can get these companies to "go green," the logical alternative is to do what we can to "go green" and make them pay attention.  By practicing conservation where we can, we not only do a small part to help the environment, we also help to support a movement to get these companies to listen to us and "go green."

    It really takes little effort if you look at things logically.  If you do not like turning off the lights you aren't using, then switch to lightbulbs that last longer, burn cooler and then you won't be wasting as much by leaving them on.  If you don't want to buy new energy efficient appliances, then plan their usuage better.  With a little careful planning, you can keep what you have and still "go green."

    In the end, you will find that for a little effort on your part, you will save money and enjoy a healthier way of life.

    But I do agree with you that if the power company would simply switch to an alternative fuel source for electricity, it would make things much simpler.

  6. Yes, they are ridiculous. We need to slow down, stop jumping on the "green living" bandwagon, and take a look at the facts... _THEN_ you can jump on the bandwagon if you want to.

  7. I had to laugh when I read your details. Turn off all the lights? But of course! I turn off lights in rooms I'm not using. I turn off any radio I'm not listening to or TV I'm not watching. Why would I run up my own electric bill? Green or not, I'm the one who pays the energy bill, so I strive to keep it low.

    You know you can't please everyone. The ones who want to harvest lumber are up against the ones who want to protect the spotted owl, The ones who want wind power are up against the protectors of migratory birds. The ones who want to drill for oil in the Alaskan wilderness are up against...well, you get  the idea. Until we can become of one mind, not much progess will be made. What will it take?

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