
Redoing my room help!?

by  |  earlier

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I finally get to redo my room!

It was to be BRIGHT and WILD! but i can't think of any new and exciting ideas.

Main colors are going to be black and green with accents of either bright blue, bright purple, or bright yellow.

The carpet is black and comforter is black and white checkers with a banana on it.

any weird and kewl ideas would be great!!!




  1. Don't use too much black, it is not good if you want light in a room, even if the curtains are drawn back, the room will still be quite dark as black absorbs light. White would be a better base than black.

  2. why not so chekers in random spots in the room like how in italian vilias have random brick showing.   you can do random bananas and what ever too.   Maybe large diagonal stripes that are on a black wall that are white and have a little checker pattern in it. and smaller detail stripes of your accent colors/

  3. Get a bowling alley.

  4. paint everything white. and in the center get a big round bed. and decorate it with white pillows and white everything! YAY whiteness!

  5. black walls

    with  bananas painted on it and then take your other colors and do like hand prints or splater it on so it looks rlly cool!!!

    hope i helped!
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