
Redoing my skis???

by  |  earlier

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i got a free pair of skis at a garage sale and want to make them look all cool and such. is there a way that i can paint them? also there is an engraving of someones name on there a possible way to get rid of that???? and..........there is some rust on the side........will that AFfect anything???? also any ideas for cool skis wou;ld be appreciated. note: i am a girl even though it says im not.... what kind of paint should i it possible to put stickers/decals on it? any other info aboput redoing skis would be very hel,pful




  1. painting skis permanantly is rather difficult but you can put stickers/decals all over the tops of your skis if you want. rust is an annoyance. try to rub what you can off with a wet towel and if that doesnt work then get the stuff the guy above me talked about and use that. for the engraved name... you can sand it off with sandpaper but if i were you id just stick a decal over it

  2. Im not sure about taking out names of painting it but to fix your rust problem all you need to do is go to you local ski/snowboard shop and get something called a gummi stone and that is used to rub all the rust off and i would also recommend getting a edge sharpener so you dont slide everywhere on packed snow or ice
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