
Redsox Fans ? (oppinons about today)

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1.) Im happy that they got rid of the distraction but i think they should have got a prospect from the pirates too i dont agree with the trading of Hansen but Bay is a good player has a few more homeruns and loves the game and will play hard unlike you know who. 2) My prediction is that Manny signs with the Yankees as a DH in the off season if Matsui is healthy enough for LF , then he will get booed most likely. What i really wanted to see was Manny, Jed Lowry for Hanley Rameriz and somehow get Jay bay here with some prospects that would have been great but i know the marlins wouldnt trade hanley. We need a replacement for Lugo in the off season any Free agent SS?




  1. im a yankee fan and they better not sign manny he will be booed no matter how good or bad he does with them

  2. man...i feel a shame to actually say that manny was one of my fav players...used to be a idol lol...then he is like turning on us...well...Then Manny said stuff like "the red sox dont deserve a player like me" meanwhile he has Boston and fans all over the world adoring him...its sad but i think we should trade him....]=

    Who cares if Red Sox is two words lol so is "**** you" [not towards the asker]

    GO RED SOX!?!

  3. I'm a Yankees fan, but if it's okay, I have opinions I'd like to offer.

    Jason Bay is overrated. He's a decent enough player, a small defensive upgrade and definite base-running upgrade, but he's no where near half the bat Manny was. Bay's NL stats look nice and everything, but he's going to have to adjust to American League pitching, and who knows how long that will take. He can't hit lefties and he doesn't always shine with RISP.

    It's also pretty unbelievable that for three players and $7 million, the Red Sox only got Jason Bay. Not even John Grabow? There has to be more to this.

    To be perfectly honest, this diminishes the Red Sox's post-season chances. Your schedule is easy the rest of the year (a lot of games against losing teams, no games left against the Angels), but those teams still won't go down without a fight. You'll miss Manny's bat, because Jason Bay is no Manny Ramirez. Expect Ortiz to be walked. A lot.

    As long as the Yankees play typical 2nd half ball (as in: dominating), expect them in the post-season, even with pitching troubles. Hopefully those will get fixed (I'm sure Cashman has a plan up his sleeve). The Rays will likely make the playoffs.

    The Red Sox are going to struggle.

    Also, I don't see Manny signing with the Yankees. I might just have to reconsider my love for the game of baseball should that happen. I would like a player with Manny's stats (who wouldn't?), but I don't want Manny himself.

    Plus Manny would have to groom. I'm not sure he could handle that.

    Side note: A few years ago, I remember Manny asking for a trade to the Mets. He thought that being in New York would give him more privacy than Boston. Funny, right?

    Yes, the Dodgers essentially stole Ramirez. The Red Sox lost out in this trade, although not as badly as the Pirates, who managed to embarrass themselves again.

    This will bolster the Dodgers to the play-offs but they won't make it through. They've got to try to get through the Cubs or the Brewers or the Cardinals... you catch my drift.

  4. Red Sox is two words.  And I'm glad hes gone.

    edit: Since you don't allow email...bite me you ******* bandwagoner *****.

  5. Being an Angels fan, I love this whole situation. I believe it did play into some of the errors by the Red Sox last night.

    If I was a Sox fan, I would be glad to get rid of such a distraction. Unfortunately, they will no longer have the 1-2 punch that was Big Papi/Manny. But the Red Sox is still a great team outside of this.

    The idea that the Yankees would take Manny is rediculous. Do you think Steinbrenner would put up with any of Manny's BS, let alone keeping his dreds?

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