
Reduce drag for race! plz answer fast?

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Im going for a swimming race tommorow but im wearing trunks and some of the people are wearing tight ones. I am going 2 keep my trunks but how can i get the drag overall reduced like stick the bottom higher> thanks guys




  1. if you truely care about swimming then you would wear a jammer, otherwise you are bound to loose the race. You take off, well i dont know, 10 seconds on everything proboly. Dont be embarassed, wear board shorts over the jammer and just take it off right before the race. You will get awkard looks for wearing trunks than you would if you wore a speedo. FYI this adivse is for upcoming races because getting a speedo at this time is impossible. Good Luck

  2. well if you're wearing trunks you've got enough drag and stitching it wont help much it will actually just weight it down when you're in the water if you really want to decrease all type of drag for your next race try this:

    shave the hair off you're legs and back and arms  and chest[if you're serious about swimming if not then don't]

    wear a swim cap [ long haired to cover all parts of your head]

    and wear jammers like these-

    and good goggles help

    remember though decreasing drag is just one part of it, what really is going to help is how well you can swim so try to forget about the drag situation and just go in and do your best.

  3. Well, if you have those baggy trunks, that's about as much drag as you can really get.  But, if you really can't get tighter ones, or better yet, Speedo FastSkin FS Pros, than some swimmers rub their body down in lotion or petroleum jelly, then shave their body hair.  Last, the most effective thing would be to wear a cap.  Good luck on your race!

  4. shave your body hair, wear a cap. stitch the pockets closed. of course when the guy with a speedo kicks your butt,  at least he won't look like an idiot standing next to you with your shaved legs and stitched trunks.

    just kidding. good luck!

  5. why not wear tight 1s?

    will it reli make that make difference.

    u could lose sum weight

    wear a swim cap,

  6. There are 3 things you can do to cut down drag:

    1. Wear a latex bathing cap.

    2. Shave your chest, back, arm, and leg hair.

    3. Wear a speedo/jammer.

    Really though this cuts your time by 1-2 seconds, unless you're swimming at a very high level (I doubt it because you're wearing trunks still) it won't make much difference.

  7. I hardly see wearing a cap or shaving down as a solution if you are going to wear regular swim trunks (assuming you are talking about knee or near-knee length, loose fitting short-style swim trunks).

    Bottom line, your first step is to find a racing suit that fits your tastes--whether it be jammers, speedos (I assume you are avoiding those), leggings (probably way to expensive for your level).  The other solutions help (though shaving down is usually reserved for a BIG meet, end-of-the-season championship type thing--not a meet to meet solution to avoid wearing a speedo).   A cap will not hurt, but honestly you'd probably look odd wearing a cap and regular swim trunks.  You'd probably be laughed at wearing a cap, shaved down, and wearing regular swim trunks.

    But there is nothing wrong with wearing the regular trunks and goggles, and doing your best.  You will be losing speed, however, because of the suit.  The other solutions just do not fit if you are not willing to deal with the suit issue first.

    Changing your stroke is not an option in one day.  A coach can look at your stroke and continue to work with you, but that is a process, not a quick fix.

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