
Reduce forces in iraq?how about leaving them alone?

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...just wondering if any taxpayers out there would prefer our millions to be spent somewhere like ethiopia where the troops could aid with irrigation and saving lifes?...and save money on security as they would not want to terrorise us?....or maybe just leave everyone else alone and spend the money on people IN the country where the taxes are paid by the people...thanks




  1. suuuure.  Only a few problems with the way you're thinking.  While our troops (that have been trained to DEFEND and PROTECT) are out digging ditches in Africa, the terrorists are taking aim at the defenseless elsewhere.  If you don't think that what our troops are doing in Iraq is a humanitarian cause then PLEASE, by all means, go spend some time as an Iraqi - under the old system they were under before we stepped in.

    On another note - Are you aware that our country is the only country that has millions of dollars spent every year in VOLUNTARY humanitarian aide (not tax dollars) - at home and abroad?  What does that tell you about us?  We protect, help, defend, and educate when and where we can - for those that ask for it.  We're not the type of people that just look the other way when thousands are suffering or at risk (like the Iraqis have been and still are).

  2. idealist thinking is charming in youth....

  3. According to Melissa we have done a favour to Iraqi`s by destroying their country I hope she never gains any kind of power she  would certainly be miss guided like GWB and our own TB. We the British have no right to be in Iraq a occupying or invading force. There fore the sooner  we bring Tony Blair to human right court the better. Do you not agree with me asker??? As far putting them into growing thins for Africa etc why can we not use the unemployed on voluntary basis and think of how much money we be saving not killing Iraqis and also avoiding any danger to our own boys and girls.

  4. Let's get out of Iraq. It's time for the Iraqis to take charge of their country.

  5. Well there are those who say we have to put right what we did wrong. There are those who embrace help and those who don't want to be helped and would gladly kill us for trying. Sadly when it's compulsory, we complain but don't really have much say. If we were able to choose those who really are in need of help, you would undoubtedly get the 'I'm all right Jacks', that's why charities have to beg. As for keeping it in the family so to speak, the tax payers wouldn't benefit because good people rarely do. It would go to the greedy and the scroungers, as always. That's why we have become such a tolerant people...

  6. if we obliterated all the other countries of the world, your theory would have merit.  but as long as there are other countries, there will be hatred, jealousy, and disagreement.  that leads to conflict and to war.  if we just pretended the rest of the world loved us, the next attack on our soil would be very soon.

  7. never gonna happen but cool dream.

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