
Reducing CO2 by even 1% will kill off all tree life, and lower temperatures 27 degrees in 10 years?

by Guest66833  |  earlier

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remember to be polite, since this question is settled science, and is not open to discussion anymore. You are only allowed to make positive supportive comments, as we follow in the tradition of the Al Gore School of Political Debate.




  1. Do you have a link to that study?I  Would like to read it.

  2. 1% of what? be precise !!!

    1% of the current concentrations of CO2?

    or 1% as percent of the total atmospheric mass of all gases combined?

    Your supposed study (you have no link by the way) would suppose (by the range of temperature decrease) that it is the second option. We have however merely 380 ppm in the atmosphere which are not even 1%. And CO2 concentrations can not be lower than zero (there can not be less than no CO2 in the atmosphere).

    If this would be the first option.. 1% of 380PPM is 3,8PPM it would barely make a difference... so?

  3. to follow Al Gore means to have the election stolen from you by a gutless chicken hawk who's biggest accomplishment (before stealing the presidency) was running a Texas oil company into the ground.

  4. Be careful what you believe - there is a lot of lying, pseudo-scientific propaganda about, and all of it comes, via a tortuous route, from the criminals of the energy companies, frequently via bought,  corrupt so-called academics in dodgy institutions, and virtually all of it from American sources.

    Don't trust the b******s!

  5. I'm with the first person to answer, I would like a credible link to this.  And when did asking for a link equal science as you are telling him "no science please" when all he did as ask for a link.

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