
Reducing Your Power Bill in an apartment?

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What are some of the best ways to reduce your power bill during the summertime when you live in an apartment? I live in nevada where it is generally considered summertime 7 to 9 months out of the year, where outside temperatures easily and consistently hit 100+ degrees.

During the hottest months of the year, I've had power bills that easily raised up to $200+ dollars per month. I want to know how this can be reduced to around $100-$150 or less (if possible) during the summer months?




  1. Raise the thermostat on your AC.

    Put your electronics (anything that has a glowing LED light) on power strips and turn them off there.

  2. I usually keep my thermostat around 78, it's kind of warm but  you get used to it.  If you have it set around 70, the air conditioner constantly has to run in order to keep the apartment cool.  Also, you can take shorter showers.  The less time you use hot water the less energy has to be exerted to warm the water.  Shut off lights after you leave a room.  Open curtains/blinds so you can use as much natural light as possible.  Don't open the oven when you are using it, it will just have to use more energy to heat up the inside once you've opened it and let cool air in.  You can also turn up your refrigerator, so that it's not as cold (but still cold enough).  If you have a washer & dryer you can save by using cold water to wash & cold air to dry (if your set has those options).  I hope I helped and remember, by doing these things you are not only saving $$ but you are saving the environment.

  3. the biggest drain on your power will be the AC and your fridge.

    As far as the fridge, make sure it is an energy efficient model.

    They are rated by the epa. If it's an old fridge, I'll bet you are losing a lot of money with it.

    As far as your Air Coditioner. Make sure your windows are sealed... and don't leave it on when you aren't there.

  4. turn off your hot water heater, it only takes about 30 mins to heat the water you'll be amazed

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