
Reduction oxidation equations?

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When you balance the redox equation:

C4H10(l) + Cr2O72-(aq) + H+(aq) H6C4O4(s) + Cr3+(aq) + H2O(l)

the oxidizing agent is:




  1. C4H10  (C4 totals -10 charge) -->   H6C4O4 (C4 totals +2 charge) & 12 e- lost

    1 (Cr2O7)-2 (2 Cr's total +12)  & 6 e- taken--> 2 Cr+3  (total +6)

    to balance the electrons taken & lost, we double the (Cr2O7)-2:

    C4H10  -->   H6C4O4  & 12 e- lost

    2 (Cr2O7)-2   &  12 e- taken--> 4 Cr+3

    then we combine them:

    C4H10  &  2 (Cr2O7)-2   -->   H6C4O4  & 4 Cr+3

    now we balance the charges with the H+'s,, at present the left totals -4, while the right totals +12,... we need 16 H+ 's on the left to balance the charges to +12 & +12:

    C4H10  &  2 (Cr2O7)-2   &  16H+  -->   H6C4O4  & 4 Cr+3

    now we we balance the H's with the neutral water:

    C4H10  &  2 (Cr2O7)-2   &  16H+  -->   H6C4O4  & 4 Cr+3  &   10 H2O

    every molecule has its # of moles,

    as the check on the work,

    the oxygens should already be balanced:

    14 are on the left, & 14 are on the right, it is done, your answer is:

    C4H10  &  2 (Cr2O7)-2   &  16H+  -->   H6C4O4  & 4 Cr+3  &   10 H2O

    the method is:

    1) balance the electons taken & lost

    2) balance the charges

    3)balance the misc atoms

    4)saving oxygen as the check on your work


    almost forgot your second question,...

    the oxidizing agent is the taker of electrons, Cr2O72-(aq)

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