
Redundancy....What questions should I ask? ?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday the whole office was issued a notice of redundancy. I have a consultation with the partners on Thursday about it. I have a few questions to ask the partners but I cant think of what else to ask. My mind has gone blank.

My questions:

1. How long after we get told we have been made redundant do we have to leave.

2. How much redundancy money would I get because I have been there 1 year and 11 months (need to be there for 2 years to be entitled to redundancy pay).

Please help me.




  1. How much time off will you be allowed to go for interviews...

  2. If your contract states a minimum period of notice then they have to adhere to that, but could pay you off to leave early (gardening leave). If your notice breaches the two year period, you would be entitled to two weeks pay. They have to tell you when the redundancy is (i.e effective on a date or immediately), and they may choose to consult a union or to investigate the options. Once you are notified that redundancy is imminient, you are entitled to use the works time and resource to find another job (which i would do as soon as possible).

  3. Take a look at ACAS website.  There is a whole host of info on there about redundancy.  What you need to ensure is they give you appropriate notice of your redundnacy and that should be stated in your contract.  

    You need to identify what time off you are allowed to look for another position.  Companies (in the UK) should provide alternatives for any employees going through redundnacies, you may want to ask what avenues have been explored and what else is available for you to apply for (which should have been ring fenced for you anyway!).

    CIPD site says :

    The formula for calculating redundancy pay is:

    half a weeks' pay for each complete year in which the employee was under 22 years old,

    one weeks' pay for each complete year in which the employee was less than 41 but not less than 22 years old,

    one and a half weeks' pay for each complete year of employment in which the employee was 41 years old or more.

    The employer must give the employee a written statement showing how the redundancy payment was calculated. An employer who does not do this may be fined for committing a criminal offence (see Employment Rights Act 1996 Section 165).

    Hope this helps - good luck!

    If you fancy working for the NHS, have a look at - loads on there!!!

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