
Redwings fans; Did game 3 change your minds at all about Pens?

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A lot of you guys said 4 gm sweep.Did you see a different Pittsburgh team than you expected? Serious answerers get points--idiots get nothing.




  1. I am a fan of neither team (i'm not even rooting for one over the other) I'm just watching because I love hockey.

    That being said, I think the Penguins were in a little bit of a fog to start the series. Their top 4-5 players on offense are under 30,  first Stanley Cup, in Detroit, against the team with the best record in the league, its alot to swallow. Once they got their bearings and got that first goal, I think they realized that they belong here. Watch for them taking Game 4, we've got a series on our hands now.

  2. well every one in Pittsburgh  broke their brooms in the Flyers series. so for those that said sweep they are not realists just dreamers. the Pens played way better in game 3 but they will not win this series and most of you Pens fans must agree

    seeings how the Kockiness of your fan base has disappeared

  3. I wasn't one of those Red Wings fans that predicted a sweep. Before the series started, I said Red Wings in five or six games, and after the first two games, I said Red Wings in five games. I knew Pittsburgh would take one at home and I wanted them to take one at home because I want the Red Wings to win the Cup in Detroit where the celebration will be much sweeter. Game 3, however, did show me that the Pens could really show up as competition. They played completely different than in the first two games where Detroit wouldn't let them have the puck for more than two seconds and it really made me happy. However, Detroit was only one goal behind at the end of Game 3, which makes me certain that the Wings can take Game 4 tomorrow.

  4. As a wings fan since the eighties..........

    I expected the pens to show up.....especially in their own building.

    It was what a SCF should be like.

    l honestly think they are a good club, but I think Detroit will prevail this year.

    I look forward to better games than the first two........even if its fun to win, its more fun to watch two clubs skating.

  5. well, I didnt think it'd be a sweep. I dont know if pitt played that great or det played that bad, the wings had a ton of turnover, one lead to the first goal. I think if the wings play their game, they're the best team in the world.

    Wings in 7, I think....

  6. Lol Finally, Pittsburgh was playing like Pittsburgh, hey the Wings    i think  is still gonna win the Cup, its not like the Wings lost Bad they still could win it But, yaah the Pens did play Great in game 3. GO! WINGS GO!

  7. No - we knew the Penguins are extremely talented, otherwise how would they have gotten into the finals?

    Besides, Crosby is second in points, and Fluery has the second highest GAA average (to Osgood).  Why would their win surprse me?  I would have been shocked if the Wings swept them.

  8. Never thought the Wings would sweep, they will win the series.    Pittsburgh is the best team in the east, but the east is pretty weak, any of the top west teams could beat them!

  9. no i knew the pens would at least take one of the games at home detroit in 5

  10. My guess was Detroit winning games 1, 2, 4, and 5. Seriously. But Pittsburgh has a good chance of winning tomorrow. I'm not denying that.

  11. I wasn't expecting a Sweep at all. I knew that the Pens were not going to go down like that. I wasn't surprised I knew the Pens were bound to win at least One in Pittsburgh.

  12. Nope. We still OUTHIT, Won the most face-offs, and OUTSHOT the PENS in game 3. I expected a better effort from PITT as they were at home in a basically MUST win game.  I still like the Wings chances in game 4. The pressure is still on the PENS to win game 4. They dont want to have their backs to the wall facing 3 series clinching games.

    I never called for a sweep. I said all along.... Wings in 6 or 7!

  13. i am glad to see them get untracked. that was the kind of game i was hoping all of them to be. up and down hockey some big hits, loved it. that being said GO WINGS!

  14. no, and no.

    but i understand what you're saying.

    it didn't change my mind, because i already took the Pens seriously. the Rangers and Flyers didn't just forfeit. the Pens are there for a reason. i knew that they'd come out w/ a lot of intensity. the question was... would it be enough. would they be able to score the first goal, and get the crowd, and emotion going? the fact that Crosby scored it, was textbook.

    however, i'm going to be honest. i still don't think that the Pens have figured out the detroit system. i think they felt that pure intensity and "moving their feet" (yes, they DO indeed keep saying that) is going to break open Detroit's game. they relied on THEIR system (the Pens), rather than counter Detroit's. and that can be ok. but take for instance Detroit last year. we couldn't keep playing our system to beat the Ducks. you have to make adjustments to the other team. and we didn't last year. (what is ironic is that the Ducks tailored their team to demolish teams like Detroit. more physical, yet puck possession). so it's a matter of out - adjusting against your opponent.

    i'll also admit that i wouldn't want to follow Therrien. he wouldn't lead me. i also think that if MAF hadn't avoided that 9-1 shot difference at first, and Detroit scores first, ... it would've been a different game. so rather than sound like "shoulda coulda woulda", i'm just saying, "good job" to the Pens for scoring first. they needed that.

    any wings fan who honestly thought sweep is a moron.;...

    this series isn't over. the biggest mistake that the wings and their fans can make is to assume that it is. the biggest mistake that the Pens and their fans can make is to assume that they're back in it. both teams have to fight for every game.

  15. I've been watching the wings longer than Sidney Crosby has been alive, No, I never expected a sweep, and was thrilled to see the Pens come out and play the kind of hockey we expected all along, but I still think the Wings will take it .

  16. What is sports but a passionate love affair between two different team, while playing hockey think of it as making love, just get and the groove an do work, and make sure you cuddle after.  This is what sports are all about

    Stay Fresh

  17. Game 3 gave me a view of the Pittsburgh team I was hoping to watch, so yes, and no!

    I thoroughly enjoyed game 3 because it had great play from both teams, and it was a lot cleaner and less petulant than the first two, where I had to deplore some of the Pens playing and coaching tactics.

    Now they are all down to business, and will, I hope, continue to give us thrilling hockey right up to the end.

    I have never wanted a sweep - no, that's not true, you always hope to demolish the opposition, but it's not fun to watch.  It isn't reasonable to expect a sweep either, given the Pens' fantastic run up to the finals.

    So, here I sit, with dread and longing in my heart for the next game - may it be epic.

    Go Wings.

  18. I don't think so.  You don't get to the finals without being a good team.  Sure the 1st 2 games were pretty 1 sided but we saw the same thing against Dallas and Nashville.  Detroit is an outstanding team but they can get a little lazy at times and let teams back into the series.  I think the Wings will be fine and win it 4-2.

  19. Not at all... I still think the Penguins are the 4th or 5th bast team in hockey (like Ottawa was last year). Sweep? No, I never thought that at any point of the series. Red Wing's in 5, or 6 if Fluery steals one - and I don't think that will happen.

    That's not to say Pittsburgh didn't play well enough to win, but make no mistake - they "held on" to win Game #3. They were able to close well in every series leading up to the finals, but they looked like a team that might have left it all on the ice on Wednesday, getting outshot 16-5 in the final frame and breathing a collective sigh of relief at the final horn.

    The Penguins are by far the class of the East. But the difference between the elite teams in each conference is larger than most people think.

  20. change my mind?

    no, i still think they are a great team

  21. I saw what I expected. I kept telling people around here that winning 2 games at home is expected and nothing really happens until someone wins on the road. I never saw a game cancelled because a team dominated the other. They still play them and as long as the game is played on the ice, you never know what might happen. My memory is long enough to remember series that the wings were up by 2 turn into long difficult series.

    I expect to see more of the same out of the Pens tomorrow night, but I think the Wings will tweak the game a bit and split up Pavs and Hank. Once they do that the Pens are in trouble,

  22. the "4 games all shutouts talk" was pretty ridiculous, just pure fans BSing, but I still think 5 games. It's impressive to win a game 3 to make it 2-1 rather than wait till it's too late and win just game 4 as a formality.

    The Pens played well, they got a few freebie turnovers in deep and scored on them, they got that third goal and survived the Wings barrage late. I didn't see anything that makes me worry that they will win 3 of the next 4 though.

  23. Nope, the Pens came out strong Wednesday on home ice as predicted. No way the can keep that pace up against the Wings. Wings in 5.

  24. well. i never doubted the pens werent good. i knew they were. but i still belive they will win it. i said red wings in five, but i never said how hard some of those games would be to win. this will be a good rest of series. they are good, giving credit. but still, wings will win. maybe when crobsy and malkin get older, they can compete at the finals. but jsut a little bit to young right now.

  25. I saw a good team, just like I expected.  Detroit made some bad turnovers, and Pittsburgh capitalized.  The way to beat Detroit is force turnovers.  It's not easy, but possible.  That is usually the way the Wings lose.

    I never said a sweep, I said Wings in 5, but I really didn't expect the Pens to suck, so no I am not surprised they won.  But the Wings still made a game of it and really controlled the play for the third period, and the first 10 minutes.  Pittsburgh capitalized on some of their good chances, which they just hadn't done in previous games.

    The Wings will ALWAYS give up quality chances, not many, but they will be there.  Opponents have to be opportunistic against them.

    Anyone who expected a sweep based on two home wins, really were just talking c**p and they know it too.  I do believe Game 4 will be VERY entertaining, but I also have to stick with my original prediction of Wings winning games 4 and 5.

    So far everything I have predicted has come to pass.  I said the Wings would win Games 1 and 2, leaving the Pens a little shell shocked.  Then the Pens would get a huge boost being at home and win Game 3.  For my sake, hopefully my predictions keep coming true.  But I'm guessing you don't share my sentiments.  Either way Game 4 will be a good one.

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