
Refined Ladies, Do you not think that working class gels are so tiresome? All their talk about breeding makes?

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one absolutely shudder and their conversations on office work plus house cleaning is much to basic to be heard in decent society. I even heard one in Harrods the other day (Though god knows why they let her in) speaking about her oral hygiene. Pray, What is the world coming to?




  1. Apart from everyone’s pointing-out of obvious mistakes--malapropism, un-required capitals and punctuation--the 'upper-classes' use a different grammar formation (syntax) to use plebs; so even if she used: malapropism, un-required capitals and punctuation; she could still be upper class, but her grammar suggest otherwise.

  2. I am not a lady nor refined, but I can say that some of the working class do have little to talk about but oral hygiene and what brand of nappies their son wears and is in. Never mind he's 15 and wears them it for fun.  And yes, what is it with housecleaning I do not understand. It is as though they must do it themselves. Why they can't find good, affordable help is beyond me.

    Of course I may know better if I ever get out of uni and decide to clean up my own place.  

  3. It's absolutely aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwful, now do excuse me while i instruct my butler to get my horse out of his stable....neigh, neigh neigh!!

  4. My parents are both working class but they're better off now than they ever were. My father's now a deputy manager and my mother is quite content in her home help job. My sister and I are both university graduates who have successful careers included working abroad. I've worked in care before with "working" class and don't really understand your question. Do you mean that you dislike it when other women speak about their families and going through labour? I find it refreshing to talk about mundane things at times because the intellectuals can bore me rigid. We've all got something to talk about and if you were any kind of decent human being then you wouldn't judge someone on that standard alone. It's who people are that counts and their choices that they make along the way. Snobs annoy me and I dislike those who like down on others because of the way they speak, how much money they earn, clothes they wear and so on. It's pathetic and childish, thank you.

    PS Your misuse of the word "to" is grammatically incorrect. It ought to read "much too basic." as in "too much."

  5. Oh, it annoys me so when one pretends to be upper class but has terrible grammer. For example, "one absolutely shudder and their conversations on office work plus house cleaning is much to basic to be heard in decent society" frankly makes little sense. To start, "shudder" should surely be "shudders" and "one" should have a capital letter. Aside from that, "god" should also have a capital letter, and "What is..." should not have a capital letter, as the punctuation mark before it is a comma, not a full stop and as such does not demand a capital letter to follow it. Not only this, but "much to basic" ought to be "much too basic" and did I mention that "Though" does not require a capital letter, as it is merely in brackets and not the start of a sentence.

    ADD: If upper class people don't correct others - what is this all about? Also, what is this "working cless" you speak of?

    From: Pencil

    Subject: Shudder?

    Message: Midnight, You have proved my point. Educated people do not correct others. This is a working cless trait. You have truly stated your breeding.

  6. :-) at least we know which too, to or two to use in a given situation, but i suppose the upper class have flunkies to do their grammar for them too :-)

    you made me laugh though, and as it happens, i agree to an extent.

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