
Reflect on many different variables that affect fertility, mortality in different periods of cultural evoluti

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Reflect on the many different variables that affect fertility and mortality in different periods of cultural evolution. How many of the differences can be attributed to conscious actions on the part of the population? How many to unconscious factors? What might be some of the social consequences of these different population growth rates?




  1. Do your own schoolwork!

  2. Sounds like an essay to me. Lets see. Im going to give pointers, not actual answers.

    The greatest threat to fertility and morality is disease. A virus can sprwead fast and kill quick. Many infections can also lead to infertality. Another thing is the level of welfare in the country. A wealthy country with good medical and educational levels is going to have a higher motality rate and a lower fertality rate, becuase people need less children.

    In poor countries, there will be a greater fertality rate and a lower life expectancy.

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