
Refrigerator not cold/Freezer sometimes freezing?

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We recently had to replace our fridge with one that was stored for over a year (in an upright position the entire time) in a storage shed. We plugged it in before bringing it in the house, and it seemed to cool ok. Once we had it in the house, it appeared to stop cooling. The refrigerated section is not cold at all, I'd estimate the temp around 50. We moved everything to coolers...and for storage reasons, put the left over ice into the freezer has stayed frozen for a few days now. We also put in a few bottles of water, some froze, others have not. It is nice and cold in the freezer part. It seems as if things in the back part of the freezer freeze and things in the door or near the front do not. Any ideas? It's a Fridgidaire with the freezer on top. Thanks in advance for any help!!!




  1. hhmmmm....

    It could be something simple or something seriose.

    There are air vents in the back of the fridge, try cleaning those out and giving the refridgerator a few more inches if it's up against a wall.

    For the seriose part, it could be that all the liquid (some chemical?) in the sides and doors of the fridge has condensed at the bottom . Or is could be something mechanical and you'll need a whole new fridge. Eigther way you'll need to talk to a mechanic or a refridgerator-fixing company (yah, they exsist)

    Try the first method and if that doesn't work call the mechanic/firdge-fixing company.

  2. There is a circulation fan between the fridge and freezer, it probably rusted while in storage when you open the door can you hear it or see air circulating.

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