
Refrigorator enfested with roaches and ants had porfessional help, didnt work any advice?any Help?

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woke up and went to get cheese for an omlett, cheese slot was infested with roachs and ants i called an exterminator and got rid of them 4 10 to 15 days then they came back! what do i do?

Any advice ecxpt pointless fun will be greatly appreciated!




  1. take fridge outside and pressure wash, then put boric acid where fridge goes    

  2. I am a licensed pest control person.  I can tell you that MOST exterminators don't know what they are doing.  I would recommend you get rid of the fridge and buy a new one.  If you do not have this option, then you need to use roach and ant BAITS to get rid of them.  I guarantee this will work if you do what I tell you to.   I am not sure what region of the country you live in, or what kind of roaches you have.  But, it shouldn't matter if you use BAIT GEL.  There are several different brands.  The best is COMBAT brand.  HOT SHOT also makes a good brand.  AMDRO does too.

    First off, for the roaches, you would use BAIT GEL.  It comes in a little syringe and you can get it at any supermarket, WalMart or hardware store..  Get a small 3 x 5 note card, or similar size piece of cardboard, and squeeze a large bit of the gel onto it.  Slide it under the fridge.  Put three or four of these baited cardboard squares under the fridge.

    Next, on the BACK of the refrigerator, at the bottom, is the compressor.   It looks like a round or oval tank with tubes coming out of it.   It is probably infested.  Put bait all over it.

    Next, open the doors of the fridge and look at the rubber door seal that runs around the outer edge of the doors.  The roaches are probably living inside it.  This is how they are getting into the fridge.  Squeeze a large bit of gel underneath the seal at each corner top and bottom.

    This will take care of your roaches pretty quickly.  For the ants, its a bit more complicated.  Normally, You have to determine if you have sugar eating ants, or protein eating ants, and buy the appropriate kind of bait.  However, you can skip this, because most retail baits will take care of both types.  So, buy some little ant bait stations and put them under the fridge and inside the fridge in the bottom under the veggie drawers.

    Really, the roaches are the bigger problem.  The ants, I suspect, will not linger.  But, if you apply the bait gel as I described, you will get rid of the roaches quickly.  Give it a few days.

    DO NOT use spray anymore.  It won't work.  And, it will ruin the bait.  And, don't use boric acid, as another person suggested here.  The environment of the fridge is too moist and wet for dust to work.  Bait Gel is the superior form of pesticide to kill roaches.  It never fails.

    Hope this helps.  By the way, I suspect your entire kitchen, and possibly other parts of the house are infested too.  If so, email me through this Yahoo Answer thing, and I will try to help you.  Adios amigo.

  3. I am a 3 year maintenance man for six different apartment complexes, either that exterminator did not do a good job or you got a bad nest in there. your best bet would be to get a new fridge if you can. i would not take any chances.

  4. Throw out the fridge - its got a colony in there and the babies are hatching.  Its safer all concerned. You also need to clean your house top to bottom with a concentrated cleaner or bleach.  After doing all this set out some traps and use defogger and give that bug guy a call back to respray the entire house and fridge. If you live in an apartment contact the manager and tell them off the problem one of your neighbors may need to do some serious cleaning and the roaches are moving into your place.  

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