
Refused to gossip with co-worker. Was I rude?

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I had the unfortunate task of having to write a termination letter for one of our employees this morning. It was all pretty hush-hush. The employee's supervisor is not happy about having to term the person, but the person failed a random drug test, and in our industry, that's grounds for automatic termination.

Well, the co-worker came slithering over to my desk after the supervisor left and wanted to know what was happening with the employee. Knowing that this woman is a constant, chronic gossip, I said "You'll need to ask [supervisor] about that. I don't gossip about people," then went back to my work. She said, "Oh", then went back to her desk.

She's behaving a little coldly to me since this happened. Was I rude?




  1. No your fine you did your job and you were only following job rules plus you told her that if you wanted to know what's going on you have to ask the supervisor which was the right thing to do if she didn't like it she can go somewhere else.

  2. You did the right thing. You are in a position to carry out your task...which was to write the termination letter. It wouldn't have been right for you to let that person that was getting terminated find out that he had failed the urine screen after everyone else...and if it was your knowleadge that the co-worked who asked about it was a gossip girl...then you did the right thing.

    When it comes to carrying out your job requirements....don't let no one interefere. You are working to provide for yourself and what ever family you may one has the right to be upset by you doing what you gotta do!

  3. you were a little..

    she might have just tooken it a little personally.

    next time just tell her you don't want to talk about it.

    but you had good in tensions! :]]

    gossiping is mean.

    hope this helped=]

  4. You weren't that rude, slightly but not that much. Good for you for not gossiping because that leads to nasty things. She is just sensitive, give it a couple of days and she'll be fine. If you feel that bad ask to go get lunch with her or something to show her you like her and don't hate her or something like that.  

  5. If you actually said to her "gossip" she probably thought you were implying that she's gossiping, which isn't exactly flattering.  Maybe she is or maybe she's just curious.  Since you said she's a chronic gossiper then I would be inclined to believe she's being nosy with the intentions of spreading it around.  I would just work and not say anything more about it.  Truth is, she's probably gossiping about you since you said that.  Or, maybe she'll take it to heart and change her ways.  What's done is done but if you think it may disrupt the work environment, maybe say to her one day when the two of you have some privacy that you didn't mean for it to offend her if it did.  

  6. Well, I don't think so!! Course i'm young and dont work....but I do know is gossiping is bad and you were just being a good person by not being a gossiper!!! I don't know if i helped you but I think you were just being a good person.

  7. You weren't rude, she was just plain nosy and I bet in your employee handbook it falls under the confidentiality clause to NOT gossip about other employees.  You deserve a KUDOS for maintaining a professional demeanor and showing your respect by not giving in to pettyness.

  8. No, You were correct in what you did. It isn't anyone's business to know how the management functions in the hiring/firing of individuals.

    Gossip typically comes back to haunt people and in this case she is probably acting a little cold because you didn't give in to the immaturity of it all. Just do your job as you have been, she'll get over it, and she is seen for what she is, a gossip, and you will have retained your dignity to not fall to that level.  

  9. Nope. Its a work environment, there shouldnt be any gossiping about employees anyways. Especially about a termination, its none of her business. The only person who has the ability or infact the right to discuss it, is the person who has gotten terminated. Until they are given that information, it should be hush hush. You should actually be proud of yourself for remembering how to be a proper worker. She can suck it up. Shes just being a busybody.

  10. No, you weren't rude.  It's bad form

    to gossip about people.  It especially

    looks bad when it's done to a former

    employee, recent or not.

    Good managers, leaders,

    refrain from gossip.

  11. It sounds like you handled the situation appropriately. You were dealing with a confidential situation that was none of her business. Let her behave however she's going to behave. You did nothing wrong.  

  12. No you acted professionally. Well done.

    However, maybe "Sorry, I have been asked not to talk about this particular case, I do hope you understand"

    This may have saved you from feeling rude and you also would have brought your co worker in to the situation by asking her to understand.Anyway you got your point across try not to worry

  13. hmph,  i'm surprised you could hear them talking from all the way up there on YOUR HIGH HORSE


    I agree with what you did, and you know you've proved to others in the office that you're trustworthy too, which will make you more respectable than the other one!

  14. No, you were definitely not rude. You acted ethically and with integrity.  You shouldn't gossip about co workers, especially reasons for dismissal or termination.  You did the right thing. She's just peeved because she couldn't get any info out of you.

  15. You did well.  Don't worry about her.  You behaved professionally.

  16. No, you were acting like a pro. she was very wrong to put her nose where it didn't belong.

  17. No i don't think you weren't, if this person is going to get you in trouble with other co-workers then you have a right to put her in her place!

  18. You have to handle these turn-downs with more tact, or that nosy co-worker will make an effort to backstab you, sure as the sun rises in the east.

    Instead of "I don't gossip about people" (which we know you do--you're gossiping about her in this forum), you should say, "I'm not a liberty to share that information with you."

    And, that's the truth. You were trusted by the company to handle a termination and you do not have permission to spread the news. That is the supervisor's duty.

  19. no,you were professional.dont worry about the cold shoulder ,she'll get over it.great response on your part.

  20. Not at all. You were being professional and its none of her business what's going on with the employee who is being terminated.

  21. Absolutely not, you did the right thing. That does not concern her and she only wants to know just to spread gossip.

    Thanks for sharing.

  22. A bit, but sometimes a more forceful approach is the best way (only way with a chronic busybody) to get a message across.

  23. Not rude at all... just professional!  I know how those "slithering" types can be.  She's acting "cold" because she's probably ashamed for asking, and the cold attitude is all she thinks she has left to bolster her confidence again.  Perhaps I'm wrong...  But hopefully your statement gave her the hint that she gossips too much.  Someone's gotta do it :D

  24. wow you seem like a classy woman.

    i think what you did was great.

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