
Refusing service to obese people at restaraunt?

by Guest31689  |  earlier

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My friend works at one of the major chains and feels guilty giving them such fattening foods since it could kill them. So he is debating if he should refuse service to obese people in a fast food restaurant.

Is it okay if he does that but tells them where to find some fresh fruit and other healthier alternatives?




  1. never! Are you their nanny? They make their own choice you can't tell people where or what to eat just do your job and let the fat people kill themselves

  2. Your friend is a self-righteous prig.  He has no right to judge what or how much people eat.  He's not in management.  He's practicing discrimination.

    Let me give a gross example using him.  Suppose he has severe pustulant acne and goes into a clothing store to try on sweaters.  A sales associate says he can only wear cardigans because he might get pimple pus on a pullover.  What would his reaction be to that?

  3. No! If your friend does do this it is like shouting in their face FAT!

    The best way is to just give them some advice and tell them about the issue but you shouldn't not serve them.

  4. No, it's not ok.  Realize that some obese people are not obese because they eat too much, but that they have a thyroid condition or are on medication that causes the issue.  A friend of mine was hurt in a really bad accident, and luckily lived to tell about it.  However, he was on daily steriod shots, which unfortunately made him much, much heavier.  He ate like a bird (very little) and ate very healthy, yet couldn't shake off the pounds because of the medication.

  5. is he going to force-feed the skinny people too? it's only fair.

  6. The only solution to our wold's problems is Hillary Clinton. Only she can save us. Everyone else is evil! Vote for Hillary! She will stop at nothing to get her way! Vote for Hillary! Do it now!

  7. he's gonna get fired if he does that..

  8. No, and if your friend does refuse obese people service he won't be working there for long.

  9. People are free to make their choices, some are overeating, lots are smoking, some have dozens of babies and no way to support, it goes on and on.  You cant legislate free will choices and if folks want to do something even against their selves, its their choice.  However, if you ride a motorcycle and crash with no helmet cause you think youre cool, then you should bear the brunt of your injuries, same with obesity.  I dont want to pay for their bad decisions.

  10. No you cant refuse service to someone because of their weight.

  11. No of course not I think that will do nothing but embaress them Maybe your friend should get a diffrent job or speak to the manager about changing the menu!

    Sorry but I'm for Obama!

  12. you can not refuse service= been obese is not the restaurant fault is the person not caring about their health it takes many meals  for this individuals to be like that

    obesity is a  disease just like alcoholism you have to work at it to be healthy

    some people think that if they are not fat they are sick- and that it was instill on us from birth

  13. No! If people want to kill them selves then let them make that decision on there own. They know what they are doing, should a clerk feel bad because they are selling someone a pack of cigarettes because it could give them cancer...NO!

  14. Nice in theory but it's never gonna work because ppl have a right to choose where they want to eat even if it's not healthy for them. Is your friend the restaurant police for the obese?

  15. no, it is facism people in America have a right to be wrong

  16. Sure if he wants to lose his job and lose a customer for the restaurant.  The customer is responsible for their own choices, his job is to serve the customer and sell the product.

  17. i think people should do that...but others would find it very rude...i think u should go to the media or something with this and get it actually done...your friend can really start something with this(good or bad however different people view it)

  18. Not is it unacceptable to his company for him to do this, it is unacceptable for him to pick and choose who he should moralise to. It is up to individuals and their doctors to decide on an appropriate diet.

    it is possible to be on a fat but on a diet and have the occasional fast food treat.

    It is possible to be thin and have blocked arteries and high cholesterol.

    Is your friend going to give everyone a questionaire to complete before he makes his decision?

    If he really feel strongly that the fast food he is serving is a health hazard he should quit his job, get a job in a greengrocer or train as a dietician and campaign vigorously to get such places to either stop advertising to children or offer healthy altrnatives.

    At the end of the day it is down to individuals what they eat.

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