
Refusing to serve blacks?

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To make everything clear, i did not do this, someone i worked with did. Ok, so last night at work, im a server at a restaurant, a girl i worked with refused to take a table that was hers, and they were black. So someone else took it, and they ran her like crazy, and only left her $1.66 as a tip. Their bill was $30 some dollars. I mean, is it racist of her to act like that?? She says that black people never tip, so she doesn't take them when they come in. i have never had that problem, is that true? im just confused about this.




  1. She has to serve them.  It is the job of the manager to make her do it.  I was a server for a while, and it is true that black folks do not tip well as a whole.  But you can't judge on that alone.

  2. Sounds like the girl you work with is a lazy cow, yes it is nice to get tips, but she gets paid a wage, so she should wait on tables if they are hers, never mind whether she thinks she will get a good tip or not. She probably is racist as she is most certainly extemely selfish, afterall she didn't care about her colleagues being rushed of their feet for a poor tip. I would give her the cold shoulder until she learns what team work and a multi-racial society is!! I dare say the diners in question didn't tip coz her attitude stank!

    Glad I don't work with her.

  3. Sounds racist to me.

  4. what does that mean black people don't tip they didn't not tip(ignore the double negative their) because they were black they just wern't very generous being black doesn't change your behaviour

  5. If you are going to work at a place where you have different cultures dinning in, and you have a problem with a certain race, then maybe you shouldn't be working there.  Maybe it's her the problem, maybe she's not a good waitress and that's why they never tip her.

  6. I'm black and I tip the 15% and sometimes more.

    There's a lot of people who don't tip..not all of them are black..

    I'm sure there are whites, hispanics, etc..who don't tip..

    It depends on the person though..not their ethnicity.

  7. This is a true story. I worked at an amusement park for a couple of summers scooping ice cream. One day was particularly bad - really busy with lots of frustrated customers. When you're an ice cream scooper, you rarely get tipped much, if at all, and people are usually pretty rude. On this particular bad day, there was one customer who stood out. He gave me a $20 bill to pay for one ice cream cone, and told me to keep the change for myself. He was black.

    In other words, race has nothing to do with how much or how little you tip. I'd say it has a lot more to do with the attitude a person is raised with, and his or her mood on a given day. I'm tempted to say economic status plays a role, but on second thought, I've been stiffed by people who were quite obviously wealthy. The people who tip best are the people who have worked in the service industry or know someone who does, and can sympathize with how difficult the job can be at times.

    And, of course, quality of service always plays a role. If your friend has an unfriendly vibe when she serves black people, then she's creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course they're going to tip her less if she seems rude, or she doesn't seem eager to please. That's the same with anyone. Race has nothing to do with it.

  8. Being prejudiced means making a judgment with no prior knowledge.  I was a waiter for 2 years, and I never was tipped well by blacks.  I can't say every black person is a cheapskate, only the ones that came to our restaurant.

  9. It sounds like prejudice but it could be based on some fact.  In this case she was right right?  I used to deliver pizzas.  I think blacks tipped on average about 1/3rd of what whites tipped me.  It was common to get stiffed.

  10. if a class of people don't tip and she don't want to work for them it ain't racist it is business.

    if every time u play with snakes u get bite , why play with snakes?

    we've found 'good christian church goers' on Sunday morning to be tight with tips.

  11. Sometimes people are jerks and fit the stereotype that is associated with their race, I honestly can't blame the girl for not wanting to help them, but it also depends on the area you work in, I worked in a very crappy area at a job once and every person that came there fit the stereotype of their race it was horrible.

  12. Heres the deal, people are people, no ones perfect. i think that your co-worker is a bit of a jurk but dont let that get in the way of your life. next time something like this happens (and believe me it will), tell her how you feel, and if things dont improve tell someone about it. Racism is something that started centuries ago, and unfortunately, its not going to stop anytime soon. But you can do your part by being a good example, treat everyone equally (especially around this co-worker of yours) and life will be easier. And i do think that black people get a bad reputation of bieng less hospitable than other races. For years the stereotype has been that black people live in the "ghetto" and are struggling to get by. But when it comes to tipping you have to ask yourself, do they give bad tips because thats all they can afford, or is it because servers like your co-worker treat them like c**p? Anyways thats my say in it. Get back to me

  13. First off, the correct term is African American.

    She was wrong to refuse to serve them. One day it will happen again and she's gonna be upset when it turns out they leave another server a wicked huge tip. Honestly you never can tell who will leave a big tip or not. I've had African Americans leave me large tips, but I found a (moral) way to get it out of them. When it comes to situations like that all any server can do it "turn & burn." Try to bring them everything at once and maybe even drop the check early saying "I don't want you to have to wait around for this." Get them out so you can get another table in.

  14. As a Black woman, no that's not true. I waited tables at various restaurants for about 5 years. Some were upscale some were dives and I ran across lousy tippers of every race. The not tipping thing is another bad stereotype that's been tagged on to Black people. You just have some stingy people who don't realize how demanding being a waitress is.

  15. I have heard of plenty of white people not tipping either...darn cheap a$$'s!!

  16. Oh heck...I wouldn't have left the penny!  she's obviously only worth $1.65

  17. stereotyping

  18. It's a mistake to generalize.  Maybe some black people don't tip well, others do.  I guess the type of restaurant and/or where it is located has something to do with the clientele.  I'm sure there are white people who come in and do not tip well also.  It could be that the customers knew what was happening and took it out on the other waitress, who knows.

  19. Yes, she is very racist!!!!!  This is very rude, stereotypical and wrong of her to act like this.  She should be fired, I would never hire her!

  20. yes your co-worker is quite the rude lil pig!

    I am Black and i tip exceedingly well and ask for mgmt if service is fabo to commend the staff.

    perhaps they caught on to her vibe and tipped her accordingly.

  21. Not only is this very un professional it is also a total lack of disrespect to the rest of the wait staff.  Next time I would stand my ground by informing her that it is her table and low tip or not she is the one that should be serving it.  Also, I would summon up all the white people I could find and purposely make sure they are seated in her section and make sure that not one of them leaves her one red cent.  This sounds mean but however, this girl needs to be taught some respect!  There are just as many white losers out there and so obviously it isn't the color of the skin it is the level of education of the server at question here.

  22. That is a very racist statement and is not true at all. Not all black people like to tip, which can be the same as any other race. No race should be singled out when other ones are just as capable to doing it. She should be fired for a racist comment like that, and in my eyes is a ***** because that was wrong to be said.

  23. The girl you work with is obviously a racist judgemental b*tch.



  24. What is the old cliche: "what goes around comes around"

    Your colleague was rude in her attitude towards the group of customers, who were in turn quite right in giving a poor tip for the service that they did receive. Frankly, I am surprised that they gave anything at all.

  25. Don't group people into categories like this - - I am black and I always tip, but I tip based on service not on the price of the meal...  If your friend has a racist attitude while serving me h**l NAW SHE AIN'T GETTING A TIP & SHE MIGHT GET CUSSED OUT TOO!!

  26. Maybe they never tip her because she is rude to them and treats them like lower class.  Apparently you don't have this problem because you are probably good to all of your customers, regardless of whether they are black or white or whatever.  And yes, it is racist of her to do that...I would speak to a manager.

  27. Management has the right to refuse service for specific reasons and they are posted.  An employee does not have the right to refuse anyone, regardless of colour.  It is against the law.  If the employee had a specific reason then it should have been referred to management.  It is their establishment and their decision and the business could be sued.

  28. Regardless of whether it's racist or not (and it is), she's there to serve whoever comes in, not to pick and choose according to whether she thinks they'll give her a big tip.

  29. That is sterotyping.  It is racist to say no i won't serve them because they're black. Maybe she had a bad experience once and is now projecting it onto the rest of them.  There are a lot of other ethnicities that will do the same thing to a waiter.  It's the people themselves, it has nothing to do with their skin color.

  30. To the person before me... the correct term is not African-American no more than the correct term for me would be Scottish-Irish-German-American.  We are Americans.... some are black, some are white, and some are all shades between...  In regards to the question... I have served tables for years and I know that my chances of making a proper tip on a table of black people is not as good as if they were white.  I'm not racist, just relaying my own observations and experiences.  I don't know why, but in general blacks just don't tip the proper percentage.

  31. no wouldn't be true of course for every case, but I've seen the same situation, I worked in the decorating business with new home buyers and I knew someone who wouldn't work with Asian because she said they would run them all over the place starting with high upgrades and change inumberable times and end up with stanards and the girl with no commission...  I too never had that problem.  Maybe people attract a certain character if they have relation probelms with them....????

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