
Refusing to tell the truth?

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If I were the main witness in a court case, and i was asked to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, what would happen if i said no?




  1. In addition to being held in contempt, you will be charged with obstruction of justice.

  2. You could be held in contempt and put in jail until you said yes.

  3. The judge would inquire, and ultimately hold you in contempt for refusing to testify.  It is possible for a judge to put you in jail indefinitely, until you agree to testify.  That is what happens when reporters are called as witnesses and refuse to testify.

  4. You would be held in contempt of court and remanded in custody until the judge saw fit to release you. Unless of course you feared for your life and then you would be given police protection and give evidence via video link.

  5. Obstruction of Justice, Contempt of Court, and if you lied and it could be determined that you lied, you then could be charged with perjury.

  6. If you said no because you fear for your life, you wouldn't likely go to jail, but reveal your concern to someone BEFORE you take the stand.

  7. Oh dear TraceyJ....police protection? link?

    Tell me who decides if you get this?....Refusing to tell the truth in court is contempt straight as that.

    If there was any risk to you as a witness regarding your personal safety and you wait until a court date the opportunity to even apply for special measure will have long passed the very best that could be offered on the day of a trial would be a request for screens but if defence objected and you didn't a strong and valid argument then that would be rejected.

    TV link is offered to vulnerable witnesses and the criteria for this is very strict, so as a witness you may have eligibility but it aint written in stone that by saying you are scared would guarantee a tv link.

    Police protection is a different kettle of fish....usually it relates to cocoon watch and alarms for vulnerable witness' or victims of crime and maybe security lighting. Of course the ultimate is witness protection which means leaving everything and everyone you know behind and adopting a new identity. (a very final and sad sate to get to!)

  8. Contempt of court. You would be held in custody until the trial was over and then dealt with as a separate case.

  9. this is classed as contempt

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