
Regaining Superpower status: Is America's answer Oprah + Gates + Time-Warner + Obama?

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Oprah recently did a feature on the problems within America's educational system, focusing on inequitable distribution of resources. Bill and Melinda Gates were guests on the show, and their message was 'if we don't do something about our educational system, this generation will not have the skills to execute the jobs of the future and America will lose its status as a world power.' Time magazine worked in conjunction with the show and has done a feature on the issue. There is a focus on inner city schools and the differences between them and their suburban counterparts. Oprah's message is to 'elect someone who is going to make a difference and change this and all the other things we in America think are important.' Obama is never mentioned, but it's clear she's selling him.

Do you see the union of some of the most powerful people in America as positive, negative, or are you indifferent? Why? Thank you in advance for your opinions.

*I asked this in "elections" earlier...not much response.*




  1. I suppose it's just me, but having someone who dropped out of school say that is slightly weird. Yes, I do think that a change in the school's education policy is good, but I don't think that those people are the answer to America's problem. Honestly, Oprah gives off the feeling that she just uses her money to make herself look good. In fact, she scares me at times.

    And I'm not really for Obama either since he kept on changing his views on what he should do. Many people are drawn to his charisma, but didn't that happen with George W. Bush as well? He keeps on saying change, but doesn't really say how he's going to change it and still hasn't given a logical reason that actually might work. And with the campaign with McCain now, he's saying that he was only playing around with Hillary and now it's time to get serious.

    To answer the question (sorry for getting off topic), but I don't think that  this union of some of the most powerful people in America is a good thing. They have the money, but that's pretty much all they have. At least don't make it seem like they can buy the world.

  2. I think Obama has been the most hyped politician i have seen in my life time, granted that would only really include vague memories of the first bush forward but still

    Do i think oprah and gates can get Obama elected? I think her popularity and his money certainly couldn't hurt, but i doubt its going to be the only thing that gets him elected. I think George W will get Obama elected if he should win

  3. I agree that the education system needs a serious revamping. But not by liberals they are the ones who fouled it up in the first place.

    The bigger the government gets the less money it has for schools besides every teaching method that has worked has been taken out of schools by liberals and their constant whining.

    We need a union of people for sure to fix this but it should be parents and teachers not liberal whiners.

  4. So go ask in the Video Games section then.  

  5. No. It is admirable that the Gates would like to fund some fixing of the problem, but Obama and continued control of schools by liberal bureaucrats is not the answer. "Inequitable distribution of resources"? You bet. Pittsburgh city schools spends 50% more per student than my suburban district, yet their test scores and dropout rates are both worse than ours. Their "punishment"? They get MORE money to throw at what they say is the problem. What they don't see is that the problem is the system itself.

    If Bill and Melinda want to fix education in the worst districts, they could try opening free schools there with an application process to allow hardworking disadvantaged students to compete to attend there. Electing barack for the sake of "change" is guaranteeing there will be no progress in this area.

    And Oprah is a misguided media freak. People should stop listening to her. She does not know everything, though apparently many people think so. Maybe her sycophants were educated in the fine public schools she wants to fix.

  6. Maybe it is.  Sure it's positive if powerful people & corporations get together and help out the educational system.  However kindly note I believe school has become a jail for many boys today.  That and America has other problems besides this important issue.

    Bottom line, what made America great is gone; strong family ties, morals, ethics, work that was better rewarded(examples-retirement & warehouse people could become CEOs) stable jobs & a media that wasn't teaching people to lie, cheat & steal.  

    America has become dumbed down...there's a reason for that and corporations/special interests don't appear to be in any rush to change that.  I wish things were different.  I pray I am wrong.  

  7. It depends on what they're uniting for. If, in this case, it's improved education for all, fine. If it's total oligarchy, no.

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