
Regarding you honestly believe parents when they say...?

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I wouldn't change a thing about my autistic child?

I have a beautiful 9 yr old daughter who has autism. I would gladly change her repetitive scripts of the day to appropriate speech and conversation, her extreme anxiety when upset, her obsessions.... When she was younger, I would most definitely have changed her running off, f***s smearing, and toilet plugging activities! I honestly don't think taking away those features would change her overall nature and character, but it would make her life, and those around her easier! Thoughts?




  1. No I don't believe anyone who wouldn't change their child regarding any disability. We love our children no matter what but I believe that given a choice we would all choose to have healthy, happy kids.

  2. My son has autism and he will be 8yrs this month. It may not be as severe as your daughters because he does not engage in that type of behavior. Yes he does repeat ALOT but I notice it less and less as the years go by. He does say very random things at inapproprate times but we teach him what the proper response should be each time. You have to stay on top of it. I know it;s hard but you can't give up. Don't encourage the behaviour by letting them do it. I know you want to be easy on them because you are understanding of their condition, but that is not what is going to help them attempt to break out of it in the long term. Keep pushing....try your best. It's all you can do. I wish you good luck.

  3. No, I'm pretty sure they mean they love their kid, but they don't love the autism.  They wouldn't give the kid up for anything, and they probably would have still had the kid if they knew ahead of time, but if there had been any way to prevent it or cure it now, they'd take it.

  4. They are fooling themselves. Pretty much a self defense mechanism.

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