
Regarding Child Support?

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I just married my long time girlfriend and we have 2 kids that are 4 and 2 and now I have a possible 'outisde' child that i just found out about. The child is only about 3 weeks old I filled out paperwork for the paternity test and also to put myself on child support, but a court date has not been set yet, my question is do they take my children with my wife into consideration when calculating child support?




  1. Yep, other children will always be factored in. Sounds like you think this kid is yours. 18 years to go. 2 for me.  

  2. wow your gf still married you, did you tell her about the kid b4 or after the marriage?  depending on what state you live in, and if it is your kid, make sure you have all your receipts of how much you pay, gas, water, sewage, food, etc...

  3. Are the 4 and 2 year olds yours or step children?  If they are step children and you haven't adopted them yet, then the state will NOT count them.  But.......the courts do not care how many you have at home, just what income you make.

  4. You should have found out if the child was yours first and then done the child support thing.  What if its not your child.  Then you have gone through all that trouble for nothing.

  5. Yes.

  6. Yes.

  7. No, they do not care what you have going on in your life. Then come tax time They will take you tax return and if you wife wants to keep her half she will have to apply for it and it may be turned down.  God forbid she gets on welfare then you are screwed!!!

  8. Nope!  They can take up to 40% of your pay, based on what you make and the mother of your 3 weeks old.  Find out what is legal for them to do in your area, if you need to talk to a lawyer to understand the child custody laws then do so. Good luck.

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