So ok, I'm part British, part American, But I have lived more here (UK) than there. My partner is American, and as is common practise with most American males, is circumcised. A while back me and Chris were talking about this, I forget how the conversation come up, but the punch line basically is that Chris thinks any children (male of course) we have should be circumcised.. No but why? Why would I want to mutilate any son I have p***s? Chris feels rather strongly about this, am I being irrational and stupid (you can be honest, I have no issue with people calling things like they see it). I simply feel, one is born with a f******n and it is there for a purpose and should only be removed if there is a medical reason. What are your views?
But then I suppose there is no real 'need' per se for a f******n is there?
Maybe 'mutilate' was a bit over the top! apologies.
Any comments, views and suggestions are as always appreciated.