
Regarding Circumcision......?

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So ok, I'm part British, part American, But I have lived more here (UK) than there. My partner is American, and as is common practise with most American males, is circumcised. A while back me and Chris were talking about this, I forget how the conversation come up, but the punch line basically is that Chris thinks any children (male of course) we have should be circumcised.. No but why? Why would I want to mutilate any son I have p***s? Chris feels rather strongly about this, am I being irrational and stupid (you can be honest, I have no issue with people calling things like they see it). I simply feel, one is born with a f******n and it is there for a purpose and should only be removed if there is a medical reason. What are your views?

But then I suppose there is no real 'need' per se for a f******n is there?

Maybe 'mutilate' was a bit over the top! apologies.

Any comments, views and suggestions are as always appreciated.





  1. Circumcision is less popular in the UK, where our political correctness has gone wild, than it is in the States. It is certainly an unnecessary practice and I guess as such should be discouraged.

  2. i'm pretty sure the f******n DOES have purposes, otherwise why else would it be there?

    and in the uk something like 90% of blokes arent cut, so your son would be in a minority!

  3. I agree with you! Perfectly acceptable reasons not to have your son circumsized. Its not over the top, I wouldnt want to do that to my son either (if i had one!)

  4. You are correct, and your husband is not being rational.  There definitely are reasons the f******n is there, and there are definitely a lot of good reasons to leave it there.  It's not dirty or hard to keep clean, it doesn't cause infections or need to be removed later in life.

    Here is a link that you should read, but not necessarily your husband...

  5. No man would ever get me to do it to my child.  I believe it is child abuse unless there really is a medical reason.  We make a big fuss in this country about remale circumcision; why is it any less cruel to do it to a little boy.  My friend had to leave the church when it was done to her grandson (they are Jewish) and wouldn't go to the church when her second grandson was born.  It is vile and cruel.  

  6. the best thing would be wait until the childs old enough to make that desision himself. as for my opinion, i think its completely unecessary, a completely obsolete, superstitious practice.

  7. He is the one being irrational and stupid.  Circumcision is an outdated practice, like enemas.  It used to be thought medically beneficial, but that has been overturned.  Circumcision is becoming less and less common here in the United States are people are coming to the realization that it's not as beneficial as it was once thought to be.  I have never had issues with my f******n.

  8. Well the skin they take off its pretty much useless...and only can cause infections and LOts of bad things.

    If u keep it on when they get older it will peel off eventually and cause pain.

    Just take it off....its GROSS

  9. Think about the boy! How do you think he will live? I bet he would be pretty depressed, ask your partner how he would feel now if his parents would of done it to him then.

  10. Watch a video of a baby being mutilated and do the research. Babies have DIED from being circumcised before.

  11. a lot of people get there children circumsized because it's cleaner and easier to take care of and less chance of getting an infection. it doesn't mutilate it lol actually i live in america and being circumsized is more common

  12. My Mother was born/raised in the UK and my dad was born/raised in the US.  

    I was born in the US, and I have always lived in the US.  My parents didn't circumcise me.  I am very pleased with their decision.  

  13. there is no reason to get your son circumcised.  i am not circumcised and i have never had any problem with hygiene or the pain of pulling it back.  and the f******n protects the head of the p***s and makes it more sensitive.  it is also much easier on the v****a walls durring s*x.  

  14. Benefits:

      Easier entry into her

      Less lubricant needed

      Less skin to skin rubbing

      No scar


      If not cleaned can spread infections easily

      p***s does not look like most men who have been circumcised

      Must be cleansed regularly.

  15. i dont think you're being irrational or stupid . i actually agree with you that why do it for no reason ? some ppl say it looks better if cut , but they look the same when hard anyway , and since when was a p***s supposed to 'look' nice ? lol ! and the hygiene comes down to the individual man , he should still wash it all properly whether cut or not !

  16. it is better to be circumcised because men who are not circumcised are much more susceptible to STDs. and it is easier for them to transfer an STD if they do not know they have it.

  17. You are absolutely right! My husband was (thankfully) left intact even though circumcision was overwhelmingly popular in the US when he was born. My father-in-law is circumcised. My husband is extremely grateful that his father had the confidence to allow my husband to have something that his father lacks.

    I'm sure you can see why it can be difficult for circumcised men to allow their sons to have more p***s than they were allowed to have - the "matching daddy" argument is almost completely for the father's sake, not the son's.

    Best wishes with your partner and as a compromise you could always agree to let your son decide whether to modify his own p***s once he's 18.

  18. I wouldn't let my sons be circumsized, because it is mutilation! and there is too much mrsa around hospitals! If your husband doesn't agree with you let him see the anti circumsized websites, and if that doesn't change his mind! leave him or don't have his kids!

  19. When my son was born 15 years ago, we had him circumcised.  At that time, it was believed that it was a health issue and a body image issue (meaning he wouldn't want to be the only boy not circumcised.)  Now, I see it differently.  The health benefits are debatable and I think that the pain caused is unnecessary.  

    If I knew then,what I know now, I would not have had him circumcised.


  20. my bf is not circumsized and he hates it. during s*x its painful for the first part because the skin gets pulled back. and its also more prown to getting infections. he would need to clean his p***s really good if he is not circumsized. although he can get it down when he is older, but if you are not circumsezed the head is very sensitive, so if he chooses to get it done when he is older then it will be very painful for him. honestly i think you should get it done if you have a boy. he will be much happier  

  21. It's all a matter of personal feelings. It's not mutilation and can actually help in many ways, on the other hand it is not necessary. If you feel it's better not to hopefully you can come to an agreement. Usually it's done out of convenience or religious beliefs more than anything. Not having a f******n makes it much easier to clean and makes a man/boy less prone to infections which could occur because of improper hygiene. If you both feel that strongly in opposite ways about it, perhaps you could both do some research on each other's position and go from there.

  22. I was circumcised, and I know men who aren't.  If you arent, you must keep that area clean and free from infection.  A lot of it is religious practice, and some medical views about hygene, but I'm no expert.

  23. There isn't much of a medical reason, It's just more hygenic to have it circumcised.

  24. It was a hot topic for my wife and I when our son was born.

    I am circumsized and all the guys she had been with were that way.

    The Doctors had me convinced that it was purely a cosmetic procedure and I thought that I'd leave it alone and they could have it done later if the f******n became a problem (which is very common- just look at all the questions about it here in Men's Health)

    She vetoed me though saying she hated the way it looked like a worm with the f******n and that she wanted her sons to match their circumsized father.  So all three of my boys are cut.

  25. Watch it, some of us are Jewish and we always circumcize, regardless of health or your beliefs of mutilation.

  26. circumcision is actualy a medical benefit. at least for your partner it is. otherwise when you pee the pee can get on the f******n and dry there and then you can infect your partner when you do the unmentionable and they can get aids, herpes, etc.

  27. I restored my f******n, from what I felt I cannot see it as anything other then genital mutilation

  28. You, my dear, are right.  He is wrong.  Read through the answers given, and pay close attention to the ones who talk about infections, how he'll have to have it done later, etc.  You've lived in the UK for how long?  And how many men do you know who've had an infection, had to have a circumcision later in life, or is disease-ridden or dirty?

    It's is simply your partner's American mentality, and thankfully, Americans are starting to see that a natural p***s is better than one a doctor mutilates.

  29. Dont do it... fathers seem to want their sons to be just like them, but how many boys and Dads whip them out for show and tell anyway?

    My son was shown how to wash around it in the bath at about 3.  Family doc said all was well at one checkup and hasnt bothered to look again since. Never any problem - he is 11 now.

    What I get thumbs down for saying my son is OK? Way to encourage sharing of views! God help me when it is actually an OPINION rather than a FACT being asked for!

  30. I don't think it should be done to babies, there's no reason. The f******n is clearly a normal and important part of the p***s and there's no need to remove it. Problems are rare and should be treated as they arise. It's sad the US is so slow to catch up with the rest of the world and cease the practice.


  31. It is better to circumcise cos it reduces the risk of infection in that area esp for people who do not like to have showers! It is not useful anyway and can make the glans to be extra sensitive(a bad thing if u want to be satisfied by your man in bed!). So i suggest u chop it off!

    P.S. Also research now shows that circumcised males are less likely to catch HIV via unprotected s*x than uncircumcised males.

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