
Regarding Eight Belles (Kentucky Derby):?

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Has the necropsy/autopsy results come back yet?




  1. Oh yes they have they take blood right away ,

    then the track vet and the owners vet review them to the stewards Then what ever they want to tell US is what we will hear

    Now now more about 8 bells

    she passed so has many others in all horse sports

    Let her be for now and let her reast in peace and the champion she was ,,


    sometimes I feel this is the first horse that anyone has ever seen break down

    There are many others that where great that has passed

    but for some reason everyone was watching the derby that day .. And seem toforget those who have died running a race

    why not cry for them too ?

  2. More complete information is not due to be released until two weeks from now.....both ankles completely broken is all they have said so far.  Her connections are also wondering if an aneurism, perhaps, might have led to her breaking down.

  3. The results won't come in till about a week from now.

  4. Preliminary results show the death came as a result of the fractures (in other words she didn't have a heart attack).  Results of the drug tests and whether or not she had undetected soundness issues aren't known yet.

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