
Regarding Hillary's speech...?

by Guest66908  |  earlier

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Personally I was impressed and mesmerized. I'm still and always a republican, but I had to give props.

here's my question: how far have we really come as women when we put up with a man who a) cheats in front of the whole world, and b) takes enough of the taxpayers money during the impeachment trials to gas up 1,000,000 vehicles?

Is she simply, "standing by her man"? Or did she sell out for political advancement and use her husband's name and clout to do it?

THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLITICS OR BASHING IN ANY WAY, but a question about women and how empowered are we really...

Thanks for your considerate thoughts.




  1. She sold out. And don't think for one moment that she has let Billy boy forget it. He's her puppet on a string now. And this is being said by an Arkansan.

  2. she sold out.

    it's not admirable for sure, but it's naive to think anyone stands a chance by being 100% honorable. much less a woman.

  3. BIll cheated in private.

    It was the Republicans that took Hillary's personal relationship issues and used them for political gain by making a spectacle in front of the whole world.

    Monica Lewinsky had nothing to do with Whitewater.

    Since the Republicans couldn't make any case about Whitewater, they abused the system by using the special prosecutor to make an exhibition out of Hillary's marital issues.

    They are responsible for disgracing the office of the Presidency.

    Bush has only done more harm to the office and America over the past 8 years.

    President Obama will restore honor and dignity to the White House.

    Hillary will have her chance soon enough.

    She is strong.

    She took the abuse heaped upon her by the Radical Right and used it to enter politics in an attempt to make America better.

    AM radio propagandists have not only bashed Hillary, they have bashed all women who try to become equals.

    They refer to them by such derogatory terms as "Feminazi" in an attempt to undermine any advancement they may make.

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