
Regarding NAEYC Preschools?

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Do your research!! Do not go based on just because a school has the accreditation.. The staff turn over rate is just the same as non-accredited schools. Just because they are accredited does not mean that they are better!! Have your child visit the schools with you. Call you Licensing department for your state and get the information from them. Ask the school for their Facility Number that is what the Lic. Rep will ask you for.

The reason why I know this ... I have been in the field for over 13 years and I have worked both in the accredited schools and the non-accredited. And there is NO difference.




  1. I do think that the NAEYC accreditation is very good. It shows that the facility is trying to have some very positive standards and programs for the children in their care. Hopefully they have found dedicated teachers in the field and are also able and willing to offer a bit better pay, working conditions and/or benefits that might not be offered for people who go through this accreditation process with the school. However I agree that this does not guarantee a lower rate turn over of teachers nor quality of teaching but it often does encourage teachers to apply who agree with and are dedicated to the age appropriate theory of teaching. It is only a beginning in a search of a preschool. Only a parents' research as you say can give you the whole picture and once your child is enrolled you need to keep a presence and listen to what your child and other parents are saying about the classrooms.

  2. The system has changed in the last couple of years and it makes it much harder to put on a "dog and pony" show to get accredited so I think achieving it means a litle more than it used to. However, ther are some very good centers that are not accredited because it is a very expensive and time consuming process and takes up a good deal of staff resources. Visiting is absolutely essential but don't take your child around with you until you have narrowed it down to a few you like. Little kids are likely to fixate on one aspect of a program that appeals to them-something like a cool playground , a water table or a classroom pet, even if the program is not good. Then they are very unhappy if that is not where they end up.

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