
Regarding Postal Law (USA)?

by  |  earlier

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The other day I wanted to send a card to a friend who had surgery. I addressed the card, only to realize I had no stamp. Oh, well, It's a local address, so I popped it in her mailbox.

I later was told this is a federal offense, considered mail tampering. Surely this can't be the case! Any insights?




  1. Yup, it is a federal offense to place anything in a postal mailbox. Shoulda just stopped by to see her while you were there anyway..

  2. tampering with the mail? maybe the stamp fell off? or you forgot. people are human and do forget. its called postage due and its not tampering with the mail.  

  3. Insufficient postage is not a crime. It will either come back to you if there is a return address or it will come to the person as postage due. In order for it to be a crime, they would have to prove that it was intentionally done to defraud the government and all you have to say is that it was an accident. You mailed a whole bunch of letters and forgot to put postage on one.  

  4. I don't believe this is a federal offense...if you had put the return address as your friends address and dropped in the mailbox, that would have been mail fraud.  since the friend's mailbox is their property I don't think there was any issue.

    EDIT: Turns out according to the letter of the law, i was is illegal to place anything in a mailbox without proper postage.  code states: DMM 508 section 3.1.3 says a mailbox "may be used only for matter bearing postage."

    that being said, I think this is a commonly ignored rule unless there is either habitual abuses or to add on to some other charges.

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