
Regarding bad words...?

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i have not cursed anyone.. i swear sometimes but not intended to.. the bad thing though if something happened like i slipped, i say something bad unintentionally..

2 weeks ago, i was in front of my computer.. eating bread.. my son who is 23 month old was playing beside me.. the bread fell on my laptop and then i voiced out the "oh sh*t"...

my son i figured overheard it.. everytime he drops his toys or see something shocking on tv he says the words..i said it only once..!!! unfortunately, he has an amazing memory coz even the sound that his playmate used to say 6 months ago was still in his mind..doing it from time to time..

i tried to reverse it by saying oh God, Oh No! or making sounds like grrr or arrrgh... he gets it as well.. hes saying it too but the "oh sh*t still there..although sometimes its not that clear..

we just got back in the US after years overseas so he has not yet attended play dates or daycare just afraid that if someone heard it clearly and understrand they might think that we are teaching our son bad words or maybe they will think we often use it.. but no, we do not.. as much as possible we are controlling ourselves coz we knew our son will catch it up immidiately.. but then i forgot and accidentally said it..

im just wondering if he'll ever forget it or whatever the other people will say about us..




  1. Kids tend to react to things that they get attention from. If you dont make a big fuss about it he will soon realize its not drawing him any more attention, he will then be able to forget it and find something else to get your undivided attention. I personally dont think you have much to worrie about :)

  2. All kids do this 1 time or another but you need to correct it when he says it and let him know that's a bad word. Parents understand sometimes kids pick up silly things like this and everyone swears sometime or another. I swear but my daughter doesn't and the time she did I simply say no-no that's a mommy word.

  3. every time he says it tell him that its a bad word and will not be tolerated then put him in time out  

  4. The same thing happened with my nephew. You just have to make sure you tell him not to say it.Children repeat everything all the time nothing to worry about but make sure you tell him to NOT say it if you dont he wont know he's not allowed.

  5. Even though Im sure you dont think so, I find it kinda cute, but it'd prolly only be that way the first few times then its just plain bad. But why don't you keep trying at replacing the "S" word like you have been, like "Oh God", I think thats a good start, usually if you stay repitive with kids like that, they'll surely catch on, or you could actually like punish him, but not really punish him when he says it, just let him know you dont want him saying that, let him know that its not a good thing to say that word.  GOOD LUCK!!

  6. well you can't control what little kids hear

    just encourage him to use nicer words

    like uh oh or stuff like that

  7. say dont say dat its not good...


  8. Are you correcting him? You don't need to yell.. just say " jimmy, you shouldn't say that.."

    Obviously he understands what you say, he won't stop until you tell him to....everytime..

  9. My son started saying some words that he picked up from some of his preschool friends.  I always tell him that those are sad words.  Kids at that age understand the feeling sad so they understand that the word isn't one to be said.  I tell him sad words are words we don't like to say because they make other people feel sad.  It has worked great with him.

  10. well just keep on tell him different words like oh no etc. As far as what would people would think, is probably your child must have heard this word from somewhere.  

  11. contrary to popular belief, it IS ok to spank your child.  I would spank the child when they say the bad word.  Nothing harsh like beating the freaking tar out of them, just spank.  Nothing wrong with spanking when done in the right manner and without going nuts about it.  People who go way overboard and tell you not to spank your own kid, as long as it's not drawing blood, they go way over the line calling the police on you.  

  12. I am sad to say that I have a trucker mouth.  And my children do not repeat the bad words that mommy says because they aren't allowed.  Just tell him that he cant say that word and give him a word that he can say.  As far as what other people think, who cares it isnt any of their business.

  13. Parents shouldn't swear around their kids, because the kids pick it up and say those words around other people.  Those people will know exactly where they got it - their parents.

    I know you made a mistake, but don't just say "That's a Mommy word" because your child will not understand why mommy can say something but he can't.  That is a hypocritcal contradiction.

    If you slip up and swear and he hears you, tell him something like "Mommy knows that is a bad word and she shouldn't have said it.  I'm sorry, son.  That is a very bad word and don't say it".  That sort of thing.

    Just saying "that's a mommy word" will not let your child know that it is a bad word.

  14. well fortunatly and unfortanetly some kids have amazing memories.. when he says it just scold him on it... now dont beat the kid just tell him we dont say that and if it slips when you say it tell him that that was bad of you or something.. and some parents teachers w.e may say what they will but everyone makes mistakes its common.. good luck

  15. tell him not to say it...

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