I just read a scathing question condemning women who do not get permission from the birth father when putting a baby up for adoption. I understand this to a point, but let's look at my situation. I was engaged and on birth control when I conceived. When I was 14 weeks along, my ex bailed out because he was "too scared" to raise a child and said he had no feelings for it. He moved 4 states away to live with his parents. I am now 23 weeks along and have dealt with this pregnancy myself, with no help from him (emotional, financial, or physical). I shudder to think of going through the labor and delivery alone, but that's what I'm facing. I am not planning on adoption, but if I was, do you think I should have to get this deadbeat dad's permission? If he wanted a say in this child's life he would not have bailed out. He hasn't even called since he left.