
Regarding masturbation?

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Is masturbation ok in 8th mnth of pregnancy??




  1. Yes

  2. Oh yea, it's perfectly safe!  You are not going to hurt the baby no matter what.  But you might want to be careful using toys (I wouldn't get to vigorous with them) because you could bruise your cervix but you won't hurt the baby no matter what.  As a matter of fact, when you get close, the doctors will tell you to have s*x and achieve climax, because an o****m might help the contractions to start!  But I wouldn't worry about an early labor due to o****m, it will only help once your body has started preparing for labor!

  3. Of course, I have done it and it feels great!

  4. Oh gosh yes, go for it, as a matter of fact, if you have had a normal pregnancy, s*x is ok, we went all the up until D-Day, no harm is done to the sweet baby. You have needs, take care of them. :)

  5. I think it's a wonderful way to work off some of the stress that comes along with Pragnancy. :-)

  6. Yes, it sometimes triggers Braxton Hicks contractions which is good exercise.

  7. huma vibrator may not be so nice fora little baby n bit frightening as they do have semi consciousness so its like a loud sound n vibration - so better to not use a vibrator -

  8. yes.

    but the only way not to harm the baby is to take your showerhead and stick it all the way up

    then blast cold water C:

    so, you get intense pleasure AND za baybee gets ay showar


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