
Regarding older citizens who drive....?

by  |  earlier

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What have been your experiences on the road with older drivers (individuals over 75-80)?

At what age should a person step away from the vehicle ?




  1. 100

  2. Age is not the determining factor.

    Ability is.

    I don't care how old you are, if you can't drive, you can't drive.

    19 or 91.

  3. So, when do YOU plan on turning in YOUR driver's license?

  4. my experience says they drive way too defensively. they should have to take their license test every 5 years after they turn 70

  5. At the moment old drivers can volunteer for a retake if they wish, but most will choose not too.

    The most fair way would be that anyone over the age of 65 should have to go for a medical check-up to test eye sight, reaction times etc.

    If the doctor thinks that they are not up to scratch then they should be made to retake the driving test.

    It would be wrong to force every elderly driver to retake their test as not everybody over the age of 65 is a crappy driver.

  6. No number is fair.  Whatever age a person is when he/she is not longer competent and safe is the age to stop.  I can find you lots of drivers under 21 who have no business on the road because they are too overconfident, too self-righteous, badly undertrained, and just plain stupid.

    My father-in-law is 80.  He no longer drives on the highway at night.  He is fine in the day, and day or night in the city.  It is his choice to stay off the highway at night, he is adjusting fine to limitations.  My Dad drive to well past 80, then just quit one day when he figured he was at his limit.  I had a client that was still driving, safely, at 94.  Anybody who is not safe at 65 problably was not safe at 40, age has nothing to do with it, they were just crappy drivers their whole lives.

    I am 60, still a safe driver, do not wear hearing aids, and do not need glasses either.  I can teach, and indeed have taught, people to drive, and I teach a lot longer and more thoroughly than most driving schools, because I want anybody I teach to pass first time, and I want them to live a long life.

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