
Regarding political correctness....?

by Guest61358  |  earlier

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The question was asked: "Americans: How far are you willing to let political correctness advance the guise of Islamic fundamentalism?" And my response was censored. How come?




  1. Political Correctness will be the death of this nation

    It has already turned many into thin skinned cowards.

  2. Well, maybe the rest of the world doesn't take you quite as seriously as you take yourself.

    Just a wild guess

  3. Islamists are diligent, proactive and aggressive in attacking, silencing, protesting and counteracting any suggestion that there may be something wrong with the picture of fundamentalism and instantly jump on any criticism of their way.  

    Doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, you will be silenced, they never sleep.

    In answer to your question, Americans are asleep right now, having been brainwashed since the 60s to be tolerent.  The essence of P.C. is very much like 1984 newsspeak.

    "Any man who went about calling things by their true name would be hounded from the streets as a common enemy." -Mark Twain-

  4. for the same reason cops make false arrests and the prosecutor goes ahead and prosecutes.  Somebody has to take the fall.

  5. political correctness is a term invented by liberals to keep the rest of us from telling the truth...

  6. People don't like to discuss anything contreversial. Not to say that a little contreversy is bad, it's just that whoever censored your response probably thought it would stir things up a bit too much unless you said overtly offensive things.Censorship in politics is often designed to squash an opposing opinion. Not to kosher in a changing world where discussion could create some kind of peaceful venture, if I can use the word kosher.

  7. You probably didn't answer the direct question.

  8. Here is my definition of Political Correctness:

    Political Correctness is a doctrine that is fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority, and promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t**d by the clean end

  9. lol, and it was censored?  That's not politically correct.

  10. I think people that are against political correctness just want to use the N word because their daddy used it.

  11. probably because you said something racist, intolerant, offensive or generally in bad taste...don't worry I do that everyday!

  12. all sites including this one are moderated by fallible humans who are also using their advantages to promote assorted polotical agendas. Lines are drawn not out of logic or attention to truth, but according to empty emotional responses to propaganda issues.

    A line of questioning to go viral must become large and establish itself in the collective against the potential for resistance; its like lighting candles in the dark spots and showing the masses the way. The shepherds don't like it and motion you to stop.

    All media are forms of control.

  13. Because you offended at least two politically correct trolls. I am going to recommend that is a person gets two thumbs up then their question can't be deleted unless someone from YA really reads it and makes a determination.

  14. I agree, your post should not have been censored.  It is a very pertinent question.  And it is a question that needs to be addressed by our Politicians.  Political correctness WILL be the downfall of this country, just as we see happening in England, France, etc.

  15. i do not practice political correctness. i call a spade a spade, an idiot an idiot and a racist a racist.  go ahead, ask me anything and i will lay  it on the table for what it is.

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