
Regarding "All My Children"?

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What does everyone think of the Jack Montgomery- Carmen "romance." All I can think of is the age difference. I think Jack needs someone closer to his age...




  1. I think its great! I wouldn't care if Jackson started dating Big Bird, at least he's not with Erica! Erica seems to want him when she doesn't have him, then when she has him she doesn't want him anymore! I really like Jackson and hope they give him a decent storyline, along with some of the other veteran characters. There's a new head writer so maybe things will get shaken up a little.

  2. I think that it is kinda bizarre how he wants to date Carmen.  I just don't see it...I think that he could just be doing it to make Erica jealous and it seems to be working but maybe he really does have feelings for Carmen...who knows we'll just have to see how things turn out!  Yah maybe Dixie's ghost could visit Kathy to let her know that everything is going to be ok with Krystal instead of dreaming those bad dreams of Krystal trying to get rid of Tad because Krystal wouldn't do anything like that to Tad or to her, she just needs to realize that Krystal is a good person

  3. I think Jack needs to find someone to help him move on from Erica.  She has tormented the poor man long enough.

  4. I think Carmen is just what Jack needs right now. She is a very warm caring person, who can bring a lot of new energy, and fun into his life. He has been through the wringer with Erica, and it's time he lightens up and lives a little. There isn't that much of an age difference, and besides age is just a number. I hope he goes for it. Besides I would love to see Erica and Adam drive each other crazy for a while, that would be pure comedy.

  5. well when your middle age i don't see the age having an effect on your dating life,  i do like carmen she is a good add to the show and i would like to see her hook it up with jacks but i still think that you never hook up with a friend's ex so i would hate to see her n erica lose there friendship over that.

  6. I think its cute, I like Carmen much more then I like Erika to be totally honest. I mean we all know Carmen will have this secret past that will come back to haunt her sooner or later, but for now I like her and I think she isn't that bad for Jack. Hoping she isn't marrying just for money. Oh and I would MUCH rather have her be with Jack then ADAM.

    I have a question for you, are you for Tad and Krystal or Adam and Krystal?

  7. they seem like an odd pair to me.but i do like that hes dating someone besides erika.its getting boring seeing them date for so long.

  8. I want to like it but I don't.  The age difference doesn't bother me so much as they already set Carmen up to be a comedy relief and that is how I see her.  Just hard to take a romance seriously when they set the character up as something else.  I love the character of Carmen.  I actually thought they were going to put her and Adam together and surprisingly that works better for me than her and Jack.  I know Walt who plays Jack is a comedian also but I don't see the character as one.  Adam, on the other hand, is larger than life and would work.

  9. I agree with you about Jack.  I'd wish Carmen would be paired with Adam - that would be too funny - but I want Krystle back with Adam so Dixie can come back and be with Tad.  Hope springs......right you are!

  10. Uh, gross that is what I  think! I can't believe for one Jack would do it to her and 2 can't believe after all Erica has done for Carmen she would even consider going out with her man. If it werent for Erica, she would still be sitting in prison waiting for a new trial.  

  11. I think Jackson needs some action. Ericas been no good to him, so he deserves some play from a younger hottie!

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